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5 G7 e~v FdCE 599 <br />(2) The total window area in each room meets the requirements of Section 4-77, or if only one <br />exit, the requirements of 4-73(a). <br />(d) No cellar shall be considered a habitable area. <br />(e) There shall be installed in every dwelling unit, outside any sleeping area, at least one operable <br />smoke detector with audible alarm. The alarm shall emit not less than 85 decibels at ten (10) <br />feet. The detector shall be located on or near the ceiling and installed in accordance with the <br />manufacturer's instructions and applicable state codes. <br />(I ) Detectors in structures built prior to 1975 may be powered by self-monitored batteries. All <br />other detectors shall be wired directly to the power supply. <br />(2) The owner shall be responsible for maintenance and replacement of the detectors. However, <br />the tenant may not remove or render a smoke detector inoperable. <br />(f) All appliances supplied by the property owner shall be maintained in good repair and <br />operation. <br />(g) Access shall be provided to all rooms within a dwelling unit without passing throueh a public <br />space. Rooming houses are exempt from this subsection. <br />(h) Doors shall be provided at all doorways leading to bedrooms, toilet rooms, and bathrooms and all <br />rooms adjoining a public space. Toilet and bath doors shall have an operable privacy lock. <br />Sec. 4-73. Exit Standards. <br />(a) Gach dwellin_ unit must provide two remote exits, one of which is at least thirty-six (36) inches <br />wide and six (6) feet, eight (8) inches high, easily accessible to the occupants of each housing <br />unit. All exit doors shall be easily operable and lockable. If only one exit can be provided, then <br />each sleepin-, room nwst have at least one operable window approved for emergency egress. The <br />t+indow must be operable from the inside ~N iihout use of key or tool. The window sill heil-ht shall <br />not exceed 44" above the floor. Such window shall provide a minimum clear opening mdth of <br />20" and a minimum clear opening height of 22". The total net clear opening shall not be less than <br />four (4) square feet. Bars. Grills or other obstructions placed over these windows must be <br />releasable or removable from the inside without the use of a key or tool. <br />(b) Platforms and/or steps shall be provided to serve exits and shall be tntimiained in a safe <br />condition and in accordance with Section 4-78(g) and (h) of this Article. <br />(c) Safe. continuous and unobstructed exits shall be provided from interior of structure to the exterior <br />at street or tirade level. <br />See. 4-74. Plumbing Standards. <br />(a) 6verv dwelling unit shall be connected to an approved water supply and sewage disposal system <br />(b) Fvep~ dwellin__ unit used or intended Ibr use as human bnbitation shall have an enclosed bathroom <br />and toilet facilities complete with water closet. tub or shower and lavatory; and shall also have it <br />kitchen sink. all of which shall be connected to approved water and sewer systems. <br />(c) There shall be running water installed inside each residential buildim-1 or each dwellin_ unit, <br />with unimpeded flow to each outlet. <br />(d) '[here shall be separate toilet facilities for each dreellin_ unit. <br />C:mcclocAst'\administrmi%e]ilcs\ordinanceAmhordinance-leCCO-updated 9/1-5/03 <br />