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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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2005 - 09-19-05 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 2:41:26 PM
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1/16/2009 3:11:26 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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nn 594 0 <br />0 u C uri ,,:.v C~ <br />COUNTY CODE <br />ARTICLE IV MINIMUM HOUSING CODE <br />DIVISION 1. GENERALLY <br />Sec. 4-66. Finding and purpose. <br />Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, Section 160A-441, it is hereby found and declared that <br />there exist in this county dwellings unfit for human habitation and which are inimical and/or detrimental to <br />the public welfare in their present conditions. These conditions include, but are not limited to, dilapidation, <br />defects increasing the hazards of fire, accident or other calamities, lack of ventilation or light, lack of safely <br />maintained sanitary facilities, accumulations of garbage, trash and/or rubbish on the premises, or <br />overgrowth adversely affecting the health, safety and/or well-being of the occupants and others. In <br />accordance with North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 160A, Article 19, Part 6, the purposes of this <br />article are to establish minimum standards of fitness for dwellings and environs for the initial and continued <br />occupancy of all places of abode in the county, to provide for the rehabilitation or demolition of all <br />structures designed or utilized for such purpose but now found to be substandard or unfit under the terms of <br />this article, and to impose requirements upon owners and occupants for maintaining these minimum <br />standards <br />Sec. 4-67. Definitions. <br />I lie following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this article. <br />4ccessorv hmildho, shall mean a building or stricture the use of which is incidental to that of the main <br />building or structure and xehieh is located on the same lot or on a contiguous lot. <br />Alter or alteration means any change or modification in construction or occupancy. <br />Agent means any person, firm or corporation who is responsible for the management, maintenance, <br />operation- renting, leasing or sale of any properly, or who makes application for or seeks a permit on behalf <br />of the owner of any properly or who in any other way represents the owner of the property in any particular <br />case. <br />Aparnncnt house is any building, or potmiot thereof ' which is designed, built, rented, leased. let or <br />hired out to be occupied, or which is occupied as the home or residence of three or more families living <br />independently of each other in dlvclling units. <br />Basement shall mean a stor7' kith fifty (50) percent or more of its cubical content below finish grade. <br />Building means that ~ehich is built or constructed; an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of <br />work artificially built up or composed ofpartsjoined together in some definite manner. The term <br />"building'- shall be construed as if followed by the words "or part thereof-. <br />Ceiling height shall be the clear venical distance from the finished floor to the finished ceiling. <br />Common areas shall mean all areas which were conveved to a homeowners- association in a <br />townhouse devclupmeni. condominium, cooperatives or planned unit development. <br />Demolish shall mean the demolition and removal of the entire building leavlm_' the property free and <br />clear of-any debris and without holes or pockets which may rctaiā¯‘ water <br />Dwellin, shall mean am building, mobile home, structure m portion thereof- ~rhich is designed or <br />intended to be used for human habitaion, includin living. sleeping. cooking- catinil,. Ncorking or am one <br />L:mvdocAsr`,administratiyclllcs\orciinm~ccAmhordin.umce-Iceco-ulxlated 9/1/03 <br />
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