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C~II~r `~1e~ TauntV ~(Aoarb of CITommissioners <br />rorlama an <br />FLETCHER ROSSER DAY IN LEE COUNTY <br />SEPTEMBER 23, 2005 <br />WHEREAS, John Fletcher Rosser was born and raised in Lee County and served on numerous <br />boards and clubs, and received numerous awards throughout the years, and <br />WHEREAS, John Fletcher Rosser was a great sports enthusiasts and a member of the N. C. <br />State University Alumni, and N. C. State Wolf Pack Club; and <br />WHEREAS, John Fletcher Rosser was instrumental in starting The Breadbasket and worked <br />diligently for this non-profit organization dedicated to feeding the needy, and <br />WHEREAS, The Breadbasket has scheduled a barbeque fundraiser for September 23, 2005, <br />and will bill the even; as "The Breadbasket's Fletcher Rosser Day Barheque". <br />NOW, THEREFORE, We the Lee County Board of Commissioners do proclaim September <br />23, 2005, as "Fletcher Rosser Day in Lee County'. <br />Adopted this 1 g`h day of September 2005 <br />Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />ATTEST: <br />Gaynell~ M. Lee, Clerk ,J <br />i - <br />