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GJ 0 <br />arm must and shall be rendered permanently inoperable before delivery by the <br />Sheriffs Office armorer. <br />5. If a deputy sheriff resigns from this Office for any reason prior to retirement, <br />he/she shall neither have the right to receive his/her badge at no cost nor purchase <br />the badge. The deputy sheriff shall turn it in with other Office issued equipment, <br />weapons and uniforms. The Sheriff shall re -issue it as necessary. <br />6. If a deputy sheriff resigns from this Office for any reason prior to retirement, <br />he /she shall neither have the right to receive his /her service side arm at no cost <br />nor purchase it at any price. The deputy sheriff shall turn it in with other Office <br />issued equipment, weapons and uniforms. The Sheriff shall re -issue it as <br />necessary. <br />Approved: <br />L. Carter, Sheriff <br />