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Clyde J.' Rhyne moved that the Tax Collector be authorized and directed to refund <br />to Mr, and Mrs. Ha1'L. Hancock the sum of $52.95, representing payments in <br />.1975 of $16. 15,' in 1976 of $13. 88.and 1977 of $12, 72 and in' 1978 of $10.20, for a <br />Chrysler 2-door-car-which was double listed, -both to the individuals and to the <br />Hancock Sand Company. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and <br />upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and <br />'Harmon voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The written request of Mrs. Beatrice C. Fields, asking that she be <br />allowed to resign her position on the Emergency Medical Services Council for Region <br />J, was presented to and approved by the Board. <br />Th'e sum of $3,763.43,. was appropriated from the unappropriated <br />surplus in the building fund for the Library to the Architects contract in order to <br />pay the statement of $6, 031. 94, for'the final amount due on the project, upon motion <br />bf Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, s6eonded'by Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen„which <br />motion was adopted upon a roll call vote, and which Commissioners Funderburke, <br />Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />-The,ClLir'manwas'authorized and directed to send a letter supporting <br />the developmentand establishment of a coordinated Emergency Medical Services <br />System to the Project Director for Emergency. Medical Services Planning, Kerr-Tar <br />R'egional~Council of, Governments, Henderson, North Carolina, upon motion of <br />Commissioner Nielsen, duly.seconded by Commissioner Funderburke, which motion <br />t `rwa's unanim_ous'lyjadopted- upon a vote. <br />The Clerk reported that he and representatives of the Library had <br />met with' the Architect and a representative of Estey Corporation, concerning the <br />shelving for the Library. He reviewed the difficulties the."manufacturer had exper- <br />ienced in getting-properly chromed bases and that agreement had been reached on <br />the fabrication-and supply of slab end panels and canopy tops with stone edge. The <br />manufacturer requested that the County waive any demand for liquidated damages <br />or else grant an extension in delivery dates. _The reported that Library represent- <br />atives requested that the Finance Officer be authorized to, pay 501c of the materials and <br />labor performed as approved by the Architect, in lieu of-the payment provisions <br />provided in the contract.' Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Finance <br />Officer be authorized and directed to the Estey Corporation, 507c of the <br />materials and labor performed and delivered and,that all other matters be held in <br />abeyance. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon 'a vote it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />The 'report of the North Carolina Conservation'Law Study Comm- <br />ittee, setting out local wildlife laws which would repealed or rendered ineffective <br />if their report was adopted was presented to.the Board.' Copies of the report <br />were furiiished•to the Press-and they were requested to publish the matter.for the <br />information of the public. <br />The'report of the Lee County Commission on Youth was submitted <br />to the Board and in.accordance with their recommendations, the following persons <br />were appointed to a 4-year term'on the commission: <br />Mr. Tommy Mullis, Mr. Gregory Davis, Dr. Mary M. <br />%McLeod and Rev. James Hampton <br />and further, that Ms.' Kelly.Kowell, of the Sheriff's Department, be appointed in <br />lieu of Mr.-Willie Watson, that Mr. Fred Garner of the Sanford Police Force, be <br />appointed, in lieu of Dr. Linda Rapp, that Mr. Harvey Knotts of Knott's Funeral <br />Home, be,appointed in lieu of Mr. Bob Carpenter, that Ms. Carol Heins, of the , <br />Mental Health Board, be.appointed in lieu of Mrs. Sandra Dalrymple, that Ms. <br />Judy Wilson, Guidance Counselor at West Junior High, be.appointed in lieu of <br />Mr. George Simmons, that Ms. Kay Clark, Psycologist; Lee County Schools, <br />be appointed in lieu of Mrs. John L. Cameron, that Mr. Beady Waddell, of the <br />Department of Social Services, be appointed in-lieu of Mr. James E. Coates, <br />