<br />'S
<br />F.
<br />Monday, January 15th, 1979
<br />The regular meeting_of the Board of Commissioners for the
<br />County'of Lee, convened in the Commissioners' Room. on the second floor of _
<br />the County Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at
<br />7:00 o'clock pr Monday, January 15; 1979. Those present were Comm-
<br />issioners Jack" D..Funderburke, K S.'Harrrion, Lila P,-Nielsen, Clyde J.
<br />Rhyne and Gordon A. -Wicker.__ None of the Commissioners were'absent.
<br />Chairman K. S. Harmon presided and the following business was
<br />transacted:
<br />The. irivocation .was'given by,Mr. K. R Hoyle, the,County'Attorhey:`
<br />The minutes-of the meeting of December.l8, 1978, were-`censid
<br />ered and approved and ordered recorded, up on motion of"Commissioner-Rhyne,'
<br />seconded by Commissioner Nielsen, whichs.motion.was-unanimously adopted upon-
<br />a vote.
<br />The minutes`of the'January.'1979, meeting were considered and
<br />ordered' recorded upon motioin.of Commissioner Wicker, seconded by Commiss-
<br />ioner Rhyne, wh ch'motion ,was'unanimously adopted upon a vote.
<br />The Board next considered the bids' received for a copy machine at.
<br />the Lee County Library and upon. motion- of Commissioner Rhyne; duly seconded
<br />by Commissioner.Funderburke, it was unanimously resolved to accept the low
<br />bid submitted by Mac's Business Machines. '
<br />Mr. Bobby, Johnson, Landfill Supervisor, appeared before the
<br />Board and,reported that his crews were working to clean up the sites; where
<br />trash containers have been placed. He requested consideration that his,depart-
<br />ment beyallowed to- employa, mechanic who had worked with.the force as ,a CETA
<br />employee and in Mr. Johnson's opinion,would be a valuable addition to the staff.
<br />He also discussed some problems he had experienced with the Lieber's firm about
<br />deliveries at the Landfill. -
<br />Sheriff Harold Thomas appeared'before the Board. Sheriff Thomas
<br />reported, that he had reserved the position of, Chief Detect/for. an individual who
<br />had declined to accept the job and consequently'he had made transfers, transferring
<br />_ Deputy- Jimmy Parker. to,being Chief of the`Detectives Division,, promoting James
<br />Stone and that he had employed Robert Thomas as a deputy. Sheriff '.Thomas also
<br />stated he.had-employed T. C. Yarborough and in investigating, his qualifications,
<br />found that he had misplaced him in the pay plan and he needed-to promote,hirn to 'a
<br />position commensurate -with his training. . Sheriff Thomas' also reque'sted.authority
<br />to employ a fourth matron to complete his' staff.'. In-discussing the long range plans
<br />for his department, the Sheriff requested consideration for a bailiff and additional
<br />detectives for~his -staff and.rerriodeling done for. office' space, evidence room, and
<br />toilet facilities. The personnel transfers and the hiring of the additional matron,
<br />