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6i;i,K ~ PRhEJ ~ 1 <br />Accordingly, the names of the following were recommended for <br />appointment: <br />(1) Elected Official: Mr. Kenneth S. Harmon, Chairman, Lee <br />County Board of Commissioners <br />(2) CETA Supervisor: Mr. Jon A. Moore, CETA Supervisor <br />(3) Community Base Organization: Ms. Lettie Perry, Lee-Johnston <br />Community Action, Manpower Section <br />(4) Employee not represented by organized labor: Ms. Debbie Lewis, <br />Lee County Department of Social Services <br />(5) Adult Client Group: Mr. Roger Williams, CETA Participant, <br />Farmers Home <br />(6) Senior Citizen Client Group: Mr. James Seymour, Retired <br />Senior Citizen <br />Commissioner Rhyne moved that the persons recommended be <br />appointed as the Lee County Consortium Planning Council. Commissioner Nielsen <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker expressed his disapproval of the <br />establishment of a separate grievance procedure for CETA employees and expressed <br />his opinion that he thought the County Grievance Procedure was sufficient and ade- <br />quate to cover those employees as well as the other County employees. <br />Mr. Jon Moore, CETA Supervisor, reported that time limits have <br />been set for employees to remain in CETA funded positions, and he was giving <br />all units of government advance notice so that provisions could be made in the <br />forthcoming budget for the employment of any person that such unit might desire <br />to retain. <br />The Board next proceeded to open bids for the purchase of automobiles <br />for the Sheriff's Department. The bids were for up to two cars and the bids were as <br />follows: <br />Dowdy Ford $ 13, 723.84 <br />Sanford Motor Sales $ 15, 500.00 <br />Womble Chevrolet $ 14, 025.20 <br />Commissioner Funderburke moved to accept the low bid of Dowdy <br />Ford and to appropriate the sum of $3, 000. 00 from the unappropriated surplus in the <br />General Fund to the Fund for the Sheriff's Office, to pay for said automobiles. The <br />purchase price for said vehicles were to all come from Revenue Sharing funds. <br />There was no second to the motion and after an interval, the Chair ruled that the <br />motion died for the lack of a second. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the <br />bid of Dowdy Ford, Inc., for one car at the price of $6, 861. 92 be accepted and the <br />purchase price be paid from the appropriation balance in the Sheriff's Department. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unan- <br />imously adopted. <br />The Chairman read to the Board the request from the Council On <br />Aging, requesting that the Board designate it as the local focal point for all programs <br />pertaining to aging. Commissioner Wicker moved that the request be granted and <br />that the Council On Aging be so designated. Commissioner Nielsen seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />A report on the opportunity to purchase ambulances through the <br />State contract was read to the Board. <br />A report on the allocation of funds to the Civil Preparedness Depart- <br />ment from the Department of Crime Control was read to the Board. <br />