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96.0 9 W~-E385 0 <br />The Board next reviewed the memo from the County Attorney and <br />it was the Board's position to deny the claim of Mr. William H. Nichols for over- <br />time work in the Sheriff's Department and to stand by its bid procedure for the leasing <br />of a copier at the Lee County Library. <br />The Board next considered the request of Mr. George M. McDermott, <br />Attorney, on behalf of Mrs. Sara Mawyer, that the Board grant her a hearing in <br />connection with her dismissal from the Department of Social Services. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Board grant such a hearing. Commissioner Clyde <br />J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. The <br />County Attorney was instructed to inquire into the nature of such hearings and to <br />report to the Board in order that procedures and a date might be set for such hearing. <br />The Chairman noted that the Hospital Site Selection Committee had <br />turned in a report and he thanked them for their services and diligence in the matter. <br />The Chairman advised the Board that Mr. Fletcher Harris, Representative in the <br />General Assembly, had advised him of the dead line for local bills in urging that <br />if the County needed to sponsor any legislation that it be promptly admitted. <br />The Chairman reported that there would be a meeting on Friday, <br />February 23, 1979, in which the Corps of Engineers would conduct a review of <br />the Falls of the Neuse project and the B. Everette Jordan project at the Civic <br />Center in Durham. <br />Commissioner Rhyne inquired as to when the pictures of the <br />appraisers would be published in the local newspaper and this matter was referred <br />to the Tax Supervisor. <br />The Airport rules were found to be acceptable to the Board and the <br />County Attorney was instructed to confer with the City Attorney pertaining to an <br />Ordinance embracing such rules. <br />It was announced that Congressman Charles Whitley's Mobile office <br />would be in Lee County on February 20th, 1979. <br />Staff Sergeant John T. Wicker petitioned the Board for a recommend- <br />ation to accompany his application for Officer Training School. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Board authorize the Chairman to furnish such <br />a letter of recommendation. Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further business to comS,~efoFe the session, it was <br />adjourned. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />