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2005 - 05-02-05 Regular Meeting
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2005 - 05-02-05 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 2:28:21 PM
Creation date
1/16/2009 2:51:37 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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urn; wv ~hc~ <br />COUNTY OF LEE <br />FINANCIAL POLICIES RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, stability in fiscal affairs is a desirable objective but a difficult goal for counties to <br />attain because of many factors some of which are the relationship of the various units of government, <br />mandates, the changing economies and the limited authority of local government; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that the statement of minimum <br />standards of fiscal policy would help present and future boards and staff to adapt to the changes that occur <br />and help them to attain a reasonable measure of fiscal stability; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lee County Board of Commissioners does <br />hereby adopt the following financial policies: <br />Debt <br />• Debt service will not exceed 159/0 of general fund expenditures. In any year where the <br />debt service is less than or equal to 14% of general fund expenditures at least 1% of the <br />operating budget will be transferred to capital reserve. This contribution will only be <br />made if available fund balance is at 15% or greater of general fund expenditures. <br />• Payout of aggregate principal outstanding shall be no less than 50% repaid within 10 <br />years. <br />• The County will strive to maintain its net bonded debt at a level not to exceed two <br />percent of the assessed valuation of taxable property within the County. <br />Fees and user charges <br />• As part of the budget process, the County shall annually review the fees and user charges. <br />All changes to the schedule of fees and charges must be approved by the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />• The County should charge other fees when it is allowable, when a limited and specific <br />group of beneficiaries can be identified, when it is feasible to charge beneficiaries for the <br />services rendered, and when there is no reason to subsidize the service wholly or in part. <br />To the extent possible, fee levels should be set to recover the full costs of the services <br />provided, unless it is deemed necessary or desirable to subsidize the service. <br />• Factors to consider in deciding whether a subsidy is appropriate include the burden on <br />property tax payers, the degree to which the service benefits a particular segment of the <br />population, whether beneficiaries can pay the fec, and whether the service provides a <br />broader benefit to the community. <br />Fund Balance <br />• The County wiil maintain as a floor an available fund balance equal to 14% of the <br />General Fund budget at the end of each fiscal year, however, the County will strive to <br />reach a tareet of 18%. <br />
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