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0 0 <br />r;„O.c 020 V"Cp 3-10 <br />PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth <br />and the spread of abnormal cells which, if not controlled; can result in death; and <br />WHEREAS, the American Cancer Society is a voluntary community based <br />health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem; and <br />WHEREAS, the Relay for Life is a "celebration of life" benefiting the American <br />Cancer Society; and <br />WHEREAS, the Relay for Life is a community affair held throughout the State of <br />North Carolina which presents an opportunity to dust off our camping gear, slip on our <br />walking shoes and network with business associates, family and friends. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, We the Lee County Board of Commissioners, hereby <br />proclaim the month of May as <br />"RELAY FOR LIFE MONTH" <br />throughout Lee County and urge citizens to recognize and participate in Relay events <br />held in their community. <br />Adopted this the 11 `h day of April 2005. <br />Herbert A. Hincks, Chairman <br />EST: <br />a i 11 M. Lee, Clerk <br />