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~ ~ aao~ ~ rA~~00 <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved to amend the budget <br />to reflect an increase in the Sanford-Lee County Airport revenue from the <br />State of North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics <br />in the amount of $8, 136. 00, increase expenditure line item 10-650-75, Capital <br />Outlay, construction by $8,136. 00. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded <br />the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, <br />Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke moved to amend the budget <br />to transfer the sum of $5, 672. 00 from the Revaluation Fund to the Tax Super- <br />visor's budget, line item ReAppraisal, for the purpose of paying statement for <br />services rendered. Commissioner Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a roll <br />call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon <br />voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it <br />was adjourned, sine die. _ <br />ap <br />M <br />NpRSN pPRp nNnU ~on on gu~ <br /> <br />t d for te$~s t9../..~. et9.. <br />L q......... wag <br />ot.....r d m 6~k...- fI, Py5i5W~ of <br />P.ytt!a VJ. M1'c~'ilvs <br />