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BDDIi 9 ME 41) 50 <br />Following Mrs. Fields' presentation, Commissioner Funderburke <br />moved that the budget amendments, as requested and as set forth above, be <br />approved. Commissioner Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote, Comm- <br />issioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it and no <br />one voted against it. <br />The Chairman requested the Board to state the time and date in <br />which they would like to meet to review the Social Services budget request and the <br />Board decided to meet on April 5, 1979, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. <br />. The Chairman noted that the time for the public hearing on the <br />Hospital lease had been reached. Upon motion made, duly seconded and duly <br />adopted, the meeting was declared open for a public hearing on the proposed <br />hospital lease and agreement. The following persons were recognized and heard: <br />Mr. Roy Jernigan, Mr. Jeff Ward, Mr. Allen Dew, Dr. Dean Kessler, and Ms. <br />Sue Ann Johnson. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker and Mr. Roy Jernigan were <br />recognized for additional comments. There being no other persons who asked to <br />be recognized and heard, the public hearing was adjourned, upon motion made, <br />seconded, and unanimously adopted. The Chairman thanked those in attendance <br />for their interest. No formal action was taken upon the lease at this meeting. <br />The Board of County Commissioners, upon motion of Commissioner <br />Rhyne, seconded by Commissioner Nielsen, which motion was unanimously <br />adopted, appointed Dr. J. M. McKinnon as a Rabies Inspector to carry out the <br />provisions of N. C. G. S. 106-364 to 106-387. <br />Mr. Billy Ray Cameron, Director of Civil Preparedness, appeared <br />before the Board and advised the Board that the Civil Preparedness Department <br />had started work on a plan in the event of an accident at the Nuclear Generating <br />Power Plant. <br />The Chairman had the Clerk read a letter received from the <br />District Chairman of the Lee Soil and Water Conservation District, requesting an <br />opportunity for Mr. Hubert Byrd, State Soil Scientist with the State Soil Conser- <br />vation Service, to appear before the Board concerning a progressive soil survey <br />for Lee County. The Board requested that Mr. Byrd appear at the April 17th, <br />1979, meeting. <br />It was brought up for consideration whether or not the hearing <br />relating to the dismissal of Mrs. Sara O. Mawyer, be held in the Commissioners <br />Room or the District Courtroom. It was decided that the hearing would be held <br />in the District Courtroom, and that it would be held in Executive Session, since <br />it pertained to a personnel matter and that the procedure normally followed in <br />civil trials, that is, the party having the burden of proof would go first and the <br />defendant would respond, would be followed as the procedure for the hearing. <br />Copies of Senate Bill No. <br />North Carolina Balance Growth Policy", <br />Board for their consideration. <br />536, entitled "An Act To Establish The <br />were distributed to the members of the <br />The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners were <br />advised that the County was willing to back a 5% raise for the retirement fund <br />even though it would raise the County's participation rate by an amount of $2, 000. 00, <br />upon motion by Commissioner Rhyne, seconded by Commissioner Funderburke, <br />which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />A request of the Department of Social Services for authorization <br />to add the following amendments to their budget was presented to the Board: <br />3 <br />