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1979 - 04-23-79 Adj. Regular Meeting
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1979 - 04-23-79 Adj. Regular Meeting
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9/8/2009 2:45:23 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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aoox 9 mi 42' <br />MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, April Z3, 1979 <br />The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners <br />for the County of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened at 7:00 o'clock p. m. , <br />on Monday, April 23, 1979, in the Commissioners Room, Second Floor, County <br />Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford,. North Carolina, in accordance with <br />the motion for adjournment. Present when the meeting opened were Commiss- <br />ioners K. S. Harmon, Lila P. Nielsen, Clyde J. Rhyne, and Gordon A. Wicker. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke was absent when the meeting opened but <br />joined the meeting later. <br />Chairman K. S. Harmon presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Administrator, appeared before <br />the Board and requested budgetary changes in the San-Lee Park to reflect receipt <br />of sales tax refund and an appropriation to cover the balance due to Department <br />of Transportation for roadwork. Commissioner Rhyne moved that the budget for <br />the San-Lee Park project be amended to reflect revenue in the amount of $2, 328. 91 <br />from a sales tax refund and to appropriate the said sum to line item 64-620-45 for <br />contract services and further, that the sum of $8, 908. 58, be appropriated from <br />Unappropriated Surplus in the General Fund to said project no. 04-11 -0145 0. 1, <br />for"purpose of paying balance due on an invoice from Department of Transportation <br />for paving roads and parking lot for $19, 355. 87, after application of grant funds in <br />the amount of $10, 447.29. Commissioner Nielsen seconded the motion and upon <br />a roll call vote, Commissioners Nielsen, Rhyne, and Harmon voted for it and <br />Commissioner Wicker voted to support so much of the resolution that pertained <br />to the sales tax refund and voted against so much of the resolution that pertains <br />to the appropriation for roadwork. The Chairman ruled the resolution was adopted. <br />Grants Director Buchanan reported to the Board that Wilkins <br />Corporation had paid to the County its agreed reimbursement in connection with the <br />winterization project at the County Office Building. <br />Grants Director Buchanan reported to the Board that his office had <br />received official announcement that the EDA grant for the water line and tank in <br />the Colon-Osgood and Northview area had been approved and that a grant offer <br />would be forthcoming. He also reported that letters accepting the low bids for the <br />tank and foundation had been sent by the Chairman in keeping withthe resolutions <br />of the Board and a preconstruction conference would be held at the office of <br />Williams & Works, Inc., at 2 o'clock p. m., on April 25, 1979. <br />
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