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WX S Au 410 <br />The Board next proceeded to open bids for a Pick Up Truck. The <br />bids received were as follows: <br />Dowdy Ford $5, 705. 33 <br />Womble Chevrolet Co., Inc. $5, 326. 44 <br />Commissioner Funderburke moved that the low bid of Womble <br />Chevrolet Co., Inc., in the amount of $5, 326. 44, be accepted and that the sum <br />of $5, 326. 44, be appropriated from the Revenue Sharing Funds in the unapprop- <br />riated surplus in the General Fund be appropriated to the Sheriff Equipment Bud- <br />get for such project. Commissioner Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a roll <br />call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon <br />voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the Board <br />recessed its meeting as a Board of Commissioners in order to convene as a Board <br />of Equalization and Review. Upon the completion of its work as a Board of Equali- <br />zation and Review, the Commissioners re-assembled and the Chairman called the <br />meeting to order and they resumed their meeting. <br />Mr. J. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator, appeared before the <br />Board. Mr. Buchanan presented a letter from Williams & Works, Inc., stating <br />that the contractors on the San-Lee Recreation and Educational Park project had <br />completed their work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract <br />documents. Based on this report, Commissioner Rhyne moved that the Chairman <br />be authorized to sign a statement of acceptance of the project from the contractor <br />for and on behalf of the County. Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. Mr. Buchanan requested the Board <br />to amend the San-Lee Education and Recreational Park budget to reflect the costs <br />of auditing the project by the following amendments: <br />To show revenue in the Grants Administration Fund in <br />the amount of $1, 950. 00, and an expenditure for pro- <br />fessional services in the amount of $1, 950. 00. <br />Commissioner Rhyne moved that the budget amendment be approved <br />and Commissioner Nielsen seconded the motion, and upon a roll call vote, <br />Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it <br />and no one voted against it. <br />Mr. Buchanan presented a resolution concerning the acceptance <br />of the GKN-Colon-Osgood Water Line Project Grant from EDA. A copy of the <br />resolution is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />Commissioner Rhyne moved that the resolution authorizing accept- <br />ance of the grant be adopted. Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Buchanan then presented to the Board a Pre-Construction <br />Conference report pertaining to the GKN-Colon- Osgood water line and water <br />tank project. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Rhyne, seconded by Commissioner <br />Nielsen, which motion was unanimously adopted, the Chairman was authorized to <br />sign acceptance forms for the grant from EDA. <br />Mr. Buchanan next reviewed the Industrial Park Project. Comm- <br />issioner Rhyne moved that Mr. Frank Pruette be appointed to serve on the Board <br />of Directors for the Industrial Park Corporation. Commissioner Funderburke <br />seconded the nomination. Commissioner Nielsen moved that the nominations be <br />closed and that Mr. Pruette be elected by acclamation. This motion was unani- <br />mously adopted and the Chairman declared Mr. Pruette duly elected to the Board <br />of Directors of the Industrial Park Corporation. <br />