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BOOK 9 PA 4. <br />COUNTY April 27, 1979 <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />The Lee County Commissioners met on , in a special <br />meeting and unanimously adopted the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation allocated funds of <br />$43,074.00 are available and the anticipated July 1979 allocation <br />of $69,502.00 will become available in mid-summer, a total of $112,576.oo <br />for rural secondary road improvements in Lee County for the forthcoming <br />construction season and a public hearing was held on March 19, 1979 in <br />the Lee County Office Building on expenditure of said funds: <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to retain 15% of the total proposed allocation or $16,886.40 <br />for small projects that may come up during the year such as road additions, <br />property owner participation projects, volunteer fire department and rescue <br />squad drives, project overruns, etc. <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners recognizes the great need for improvement <br />of secondary roads in Lee County; and <br />WHEREAS, Department of Transportation Officials have said that funds in the amount <br />of $112,576.00 have been allocated to Lee County for improvement of second- <br />ary roads for Fiscal Year 1979-1980; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation presented to us a priority list of roads in <br />Lee County determined by the Statewide criteria for consideration and <br />approval; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDAINED that the Board of <br />County Commissioners of Lee County unanimously request the Board of <br />Transportation to alter the priority list submitted so that such priority <br />list of roads scheduled for improvements within Lee County shall read <br />as follows: . <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to survey, secure right of way, grade, drain, base, pave, <br />and erosion control for the following projects within available funds, <br />provided rights of way are available. Roads to be considered for <br />improvement during 1979-80 Fiscal Year to utilize $86,189.60 are as <br />follows: <br />1. SR 1151 (H. E. Cameron Road) from SR 1149 to Camco Sub-Division <br />0.52 mile <br />Estimated Cost $17,000.00 <br />2. SR 1322 (Tempting Church Road) from EOP SR 1322 to DE - <br />1.1 miles <br />Estimated Cost $42,000.00 <br />3. SR 1504 (Cletus Hall Road) from SR 1002 to SR 1503 <br />0.8 mile <br />Estimated Cost $27,189.60 <br />