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1979 - 05-21-79 Regular Meeting
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1979 - 05-21-79 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
11/9/2009 2:24:26 PM
Creation date
9/8/2009 11:41:47 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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L~ <br />_ BBU~ ~ tA6f~~~ <br />Mr. Buchanan advised the Board the engineers had completed the <br />plans for the Osgood-GKN Water line and had recommended that it be put out for <br />bids in three sections as follows: Section A,.9, 800 linear feet of 16 inch water line; <br />Section B-32, 100 linear feet of 12 inch water line; and Section C_8, 500 linear feet of <br />8 inch water line. The Board authorized the advertisement for bids in this fashion <br />with bids to be received until June 18, 1979, at 8:00 o'clock p, m., upon motion of <br />Commissioner Rhyne, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Buchanan next reviewed with the Board the engineering changes <br />in the Osgood-GKN water line, made at the request of officials of the City of Sanford. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke joined the meeting and participated <br />in the further deliberations of the Board. <br />Mr. Buchanan next had the Clerk read the draft of a letter addressed <br />to Mr. Robert T. Hall, Assistant Secretary, Economic Development Administration <br />expressing appreciation for participation of the Economic Development Administration <br />in the growth and prosperity of Lee County. The Board approved the signing and <br />mailing of the letter *for and on behalf of the County. <br />Mr. Stacy Budd, a member of the Board of Trustees of Central <br />Carolina Technical Institute appeared before the Board and requested that the Board <br />give its approval to the change of name of the institution from Central Carolina <br />Technical Institute to Central Carolina Technical College. Mr. Budd said the name <br />institute caused confusion for students in transferring credits and hampered the <br />school in obtaining grants. After discussion, Commissioner Rhyne moved that the <br />Board give its approval and concurrence in the change in the name of the school to <br />Central Carolina Technical College. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />It was brought to the Board's attention that the terms of Mrs. Evelyn <br />Johnson, Reverend Jim Hampton, and Mr. Bob Carpenter on the Harnett-Lee Mental <br />Health Board expire on June 30, 1979. Commisioner Nielsen moved that Reverend <br />Richard Woodward, Mrs. Jeannine Boger, and Mr. Bob Carpenter, be appointed <br />to the Board of Trustees of the Harnett-Lee Mental Health Clinic for a regular term <br />to begin on July 1, 1979. Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and upon <br />a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Robert Dalrymple, Chairman, and Mr. Ken Brinson, Superin- <br />tendent, appeared before the Board on behalf of the Lee County Board of Education. <br />They presented and reviewed the budget request for the Board of Education for the <br />coming fiscal year. <br />Following the discussion of budgetary matters, Chairman Harmon <br />took up with the school officials the failure to carry out and install the water and <br />sedimentation control plans at the junior high school sites. There was an extended <br />general discussion and the school officials explained the plans they had to control <br />drainage at the school site. <br />Mrs. Beatrice Fields, appeared before the Board and requested an <br />intrafund transfer within the Ambulance Department in the General Fund. Comm- <br />issioner Funderburke moved that the sum of $2, 000. 00 be transferred from the <br />line item for insurance and bonds to the line item for maintenance-automobiles in <br />the AmbulanceDepartment in the-General Fund. Commissioner Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, <br />Wicker and Harmon voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The Board was advised that the Department of Transportation would <br />hold a meeting on June 6, 1979, in Southern Pines, North Carolina, to hear requests <br />from municipalities as to needed highway projects. <br />C <br />
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