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BOGY 9 PAt f <br />Chairman Harmon noted the letters received from Mr, Charles <br />Marsh, Chairman of the Department of Social Services in which the Division <br />of Medicare Assistance requested Counties to increase their original budget <br />calculations by 5. 9%. This matter was discussed by the Board but no action <br />was taken, <br />Commissioner Wicker notified the Board that there would be a <br />Poetry Reading at the County Library on June 24, 1979, and all members of the <br />Board were invited to attend, <br />Commissioner Funderburke moved that Mr, Julian Belleau, <br />be appointed as amember of the Board of Directors of the Johnston-Lee <br />Community Action Program, Inc, The motion was duly seconded and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />The recommendations of the Lee County Library as to the naming of the <br />County Library, were reported to the Board, The Library's initial recommendation <br />was that the building be known as the Suzanne Reeves Library and that the auditorium <br />be known as the A. H. McIver Auditorium, Since members of Mr. McIver's <br />family had indicated he did not desire recognition for his gift, the Board, upon <br />motion of Commissioner Rhyne, duly seconded by Commissioner Wicker, unan- <br />imously resolved to name the building the Suzanne Reeves Library, <br />The Board next considered the budget and Commissioner Rhyne <br />moved that the budget be amended to show revenue from the Mental Health <br />Authority of $5, 000, 00 for maintenance of the building and an appropriation to the <br />Mental Health Authority of $5, 000, 00, for an Employees Assistance Program. <br />Commissioner Rhyne also moved that an additional $2, 500. 00 be <br />appropriated from the Emergency and Contingency Fund to the Sheriff's Fund <br />for the purpose of providing extra help at the County Jail and that the-appropr.iation <br />for the Recreation Commission for work at Washington Park and Davenport Park <br />be held open until the Recreation Commission determines what funds it can trans- <br />fer to these items from its present appropriation. Commissioner Wicker second- <br />ed the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it was <br />resolved to adjourn the meeting until Thursday, June 28, ,1979, at 8 o'clock <br />P. m., in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the County Office <br />Building. <br />The meeting adjourned in keeping with the motion. <br />