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1 j <br />r <br />.1 <br />MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Thursday, June 28, 1979 <br />The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for <br />Lee County, North Carolina, convened on Thursday, June 28, 1979, at 8 o'clock <br />p. m„ in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the County Office <br />Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, in keeping with the motion <br />for adjournment made at the meeting on Monday, June 18, 1979. Those present <br />when the meeting was called to order were Commissioners Jack D. Funderburke, <br />Lila P. Nielsen, Clyde J. Rhyne, Gordon A. Wicker, and K. S. Harmon. <br />Chairman K. S. Harmon presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Reverend J. R. Woodward was recognized and he opened the meeting <br />with a prayer. <br />Representatives of the Parks and Recreation Commission were <br />recognized and Mr. Worth Pickard spoke on behalf of that Commission. - Mr. <br />Pickard reported that the Commission would have $16, 500. 00 in carry over funds <br />which could be allocated for the pool at Horton Park on Washington Avenue or for <br />other facilities at that Park and also at the Park Avenue site. Mr. Pickard stated <br />that the Commission would use whatever funds they were given to seek a grant with <br />matching funds. Mr. Pickard also stated that regardless of what funds were <br />received it would be the first of the year before the money could be used but that <br />they fully expected that the pool could be ready for the next season. <br />The Board next recognized the members of the Lee County School <br />Board. Chairman Robert Dalrymple spoke first to.present the needs of the School <br />Board. Chairman Dalrymple stated that the capital improvements program for the <br />Board of Education was to be carried out in three phases. . That the first phase <br />being construction of two junior high schools and the consolidation of the senior <br />high school and the second phase was to be the upgrading of the senior high school <br />and the third phase was upgrading of the elementary schools. The Chairman <br />stated that since the first phase had been completed that they had turned their <br />attention to the second phase and he presented Mr. McDowell Brackett, the <br />architect who had been hired by the Board for the second phase of the program. <br />Mr. Brackett made a visual presentation and then gave each member of the Board <br />a brochure of the proposed improvements at the Senior High School. Following the <br />presentation there was a period when the members of the Board questioned the <br />architect concerning the proposed program and also the Superintendent. Chairman <br />Dalrymple made closing remarks on behalf of the Board of Education. <br />The Board next took up consideration of the request of the Sanford- <br />Lee County Airport Commission for consideration of preliminary condemnation <br />resolutions respecting four parcels of land. Chairman W. M. Womble was <br />recognized and he spoke on the Airport improvement project and stated that <br />it was an implementation of plans approved three years ago and would add an <br />additional 300 feet to the runway, remove a bank of a hill that was considered <br />i <br />