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0 a <br />BooK 21 Pact 3 5S <br />Mr. Hoyle ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Mr. Hoyle told the Board each year at the first meeting in December, the <br />Board must approve official bonds for the following employees: <br />• Sheriff ($25,000) <br />• Register of Deeds ($50,000) <br />• Every other officer of the county who is required by law to give a <br />bond for the faithful performance of his/her duties, which in our <br />case are the following: <br />- Tax Administrator ($100,000) <br />- Finance Officer ($100,000) <br />- Any employee who handles $100.00 or more at any one time <br />Commissioner Pascal moved to approve the above stated bonds as <br />recommended by the County Attorney. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, Shook and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />Mr. Hoyle ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />IT Director Ryan Draughn discussed with the Board new recording <br />equipment recently installed in the Commissioners' Room. Mr. Draughn stated <br />he was very pleased with the new system and that voice patterns and noises will <br />be detected easily. He asked for patience, as sound adjustments may need to <br />be made on the system from time-to-time. <br />At this time Mr. Hoyle turned the meeting over to Chairman Brown. <br />The following new employees were introduced to the Board: <br />• Ms. Billy Jo Stewart, Adult Services Department, Social Services <br />• Mr. Jonathan Godfrey, Environmental Health, Health Department; <br />and <br />• Mr. Eric Griffin, Emergency Management Director <br />Mr. Joe Cherry, Chairman of the Employee Selection Committee <br />introduced Ms. Debby Oldham, Finance Accounting Specialist IV with the Lee <br />County Finance Department as the December 2006 Employee of the Month. <br />Chairman Brown presented Ms. Oldham with her awards which include a day off <br />with pay, a StarAward, a framed certificate, a pizza, compliments of Papa John's <br />Pizza, Coca Cola products from Sanford Coca Cola Bottling Company, and a <br />movie rental from the Movie Gallery. <br />3 <br />