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BOOK 21 PAGE 31,,2' <br />Finance Director Lisa Minter presented and answered questions <br />concerning the Monthly Financial Statement for October 2006, a copy of which is <br />attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. The Board <br />took no action- <br />. Health Director Mike Hanes responded to an Environmental Health update <br />request from the October 30, 2006 meeting. Mr. Hanes told Board members that <br />even though there is a shortage of Environmental Health Specialist in his <br />department; work is on tract thanks to contracted employees that are making <br />inspections after 5:00 p.m. Currently there are no pending food and lodging <br />inspections and onsite evaluations for septic permits has been lower this year <br />than in past years. Mr. Hanes further stated he would be hiring two interns, both <br />beginning in November 2006 and hopefully a third one shortly thereafter. After <br />required training, they should be fully trained and ready for a caseload around <br />June 2007. The Board took no action. <br />Strategic Initiatives Director Lesa Price gave the Board an update on the <br />BRAC Project and reminded everyone of the 7:00 p.m. informational meeting to <br />be held at the Dennis Wicker Civic Center on this date. <br />Ms. Price also discussed the KIDS Voting Program that was held this year <br />for the first time on Election Day. Ms. Price stated that 1,214 students <br />participated in the event. Teachers were complimented on the excellent job they <br />did to educate, inform, and assist kids who participated in the program. <br />At this time Commissioners said good-bys to Commissioners Adams and <br />Hincks for their eight-years of service on the Board. Commissioners Adams and <br />Hincks also thanked the Board for their support for the past eight-years. Newly <br />elected officials will be sworn in on December 4, 2006 in Courtroom #4 at the old <br />Lee County Courthouse at 9:00 a.m. A reception will be held immediately <br />following the swearing-in ceremony to honor newly elected officials and outgoing <br />and retiring staff. <br />Chairman Hincks recessed the meeting at 11:48 a.m. for the 12:00 noon <br />work session scheduled in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room to discuss the <br />2007 Schedule of Values. <br />The meeting resumed at 12:00 noon in the Gordon Wicker Conference <br />Room with all Commissioners present except Commissioner Reives. Chairman <br />Hincks called the meeting back to order and Mr. Tim Cain from Assessment <br />Solutions conducted the work session. Staff from the Tax Office and members of <br />the Board of Equalization and Review participated in the work session. After Mr. <br />Cain's presentation, discussion and comments were entertained. <br />9 <br />