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U <br />BOOK 21 PAGE 13u <br />At this time the Board heard a report from Tax Department staff <br />concerning the 2007 Revaluation Project. Ms. Lisa Faulkner, Tax Appraisal <br />Manager and Mr. Tim Cain from Assessment Solutions updated the Board on <br />current progress of the project. Both stated progress had been made over the <br />past couple of months. Approximately one hundred and eighty (180) parcels of <br />exempt property are left to complete. Staff is also completing their follow-up of <br />new construction and all information is being keyed and sent to Mr. Cain and his <br />staff. It was noted that staff completed the backlog of keying three (3) weeks <br />earlier than anticipated. Mr. Cain stated the Schedule of Values would be <br />presented to the Board at the second meeting in October. He also stated the <br />project is going very well and he commended staff for their hard work and <br />dedication. He also stated that Lee County is now on a four-year revaluation <br />cycle instead of an eight-year cycle. It was also noted the Board of Equalization <br />and Review will meet September 20th to address a variety of issues. No action <br />was taken on this matter. <br />The Board considered a budget request from the Lee County Schools for <br />the new middle school and Floyd Knight construction projects. Superintendent <br />Dr. James McCormick and School Board Chairman Bill Tatum told <br />Commissioners they were presenting their best estimate for the two above- <br />mentioned projects. Two resolutions were presented to the Commissioners from <br />the Board of Education asking that a total of $1,616,116 be approved for the <br />Floyd Knight School project and $24,339,700 for the new middle school project. <br />Mr. Tatum stated bids would be received around October 25'h for both projects. <br />Bids are to be opened on November 1, 2006, in order to keep bids active for 45- <br />days. Various Commissioners had concerns approving a total amount for the <br />projects before bids have been opened. County Manager David Smitherman told <br />the Board the Local Government Commission (LGC) would approve a total <br />amount, not what each project will cost individually. After much discussion, <br />Commissioner Brown moved to table the matter until the first meeting in October <br />and for the County Manager to furnish a total detailed amount requested for all <br />projects, which include the new middle school, Floyd Knight School project, and <br />all projects related to Central Carolina Community College. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board heard discussion from Health Director Mike Hanes and <br />Pharmacist Charles Clifford in reference to the Caremark Prescription Drug <br />Cards administered through the Lee County Health Department. Mr. Hanes <br />stated the Board of Health had voted unanimously to withdraw support of the <br />5 <br />