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2006 - 09-18-06 Regular Meeting
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2006 - 09-18-06 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 3:06:31 PM
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1/16/2009 12:05:27 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 21 PAGE 13v <br />conversation with individuals that use the Park for soccer practice to see if the <br />issue can be resolved. Staff can enforce the rules but once they leave the Park, <br />practice resumes. Mr. Payne stated the Parks and Recreation Commission is <br />aware of the concerns and is working on the problem. The Board took no action <br />on this matter. <br />The Board considered a request from the Lee County Fire Advisory Board <br />to hire a Fire Inspector for the Fire Marshal's Office. Mr. Donald Andrews, Jr., <br />Chairman of the Fire Advisory Board told Commissioners the Fire Advisory Board <br />met on August 30, 2006, and continued discussion of goals for the Lee County <br />Fire Service as directed by the Rural Fire Protection Task Force. Mr. Andrews <br />stated Fire Marshal Derrick Clouston had furnished that Board with the current <br />status of his office, and what resources he needs. It was noted that statutory <br />inspection requirements at this time are not being met due to lack of personnel. It <br />was noted that no inspections for foster care homes, daycare centers, <br />commercial buildings, churches, businesses or schools had been completed in <br />2004. Therefore, Mr. Andrews stated the Fire Advisory Board was asking the <br />Commissioners to approve the employment of a Fire Inspector for the Fire <br />Marshal's Office, using $39,000 of unused funds from FY 2005-06 and $20,000 <br />that has been approved in the current budget. Currently two part-time inspectors <br />are assisting with inspections and will continue until all overdue inspections are <br />completed. Fire Marshal Derrick Clouston discussed various inspections that <br />haven't been completed since 2003. Mr. Clouston stated his goal is to have all <br />schools inspected within the next two weeks. After much discussion, <br />Commissioner Brown moved to accept the recommendation of the Lee County <br />Fire Advisory Board to hire a Fire Inspector for the Lee County Fire Marshal's <br />Office and assign a Grade 66 ($34,752 - $48,651) to the Lee County Pay Plan for <br />the subject position. Commissioner Lemmond moved to table the request <br />because he had concerns and felt the request for an additional employee was <br />moving too fast. Upon a vote, of the tabled motion, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: <br />Lemmond <br />Nay: <br />Adams, Brown, Hincks, Paschal, and Stevens <br />Absent: <br />Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been defeated by a five to one vote. <br />Upon a vote of Commissioner Brown's original motion to approve the <br />request, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: <br />Adams, Brown <br />Nay: <br />Lemmond <br />Absent: <br />Reives <br />Hincks, Paschal, and Stevens <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a five to one vote. <br />4 <br />
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