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0 BOOK 21 PAGE 82 <br />• Amendment to Political Signs <br />• Amendment to Flood Hazard Area Regulations <br />Chairman Hincks opened the public hearing that had been advertised for <br />this date and time to hear comments from the public concerning the text <br />amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance. <br />No one present spoke in favor of or in opposition to the above referenced <br />text amendments. <br />Chairman Hincks closed the public hearing. <br />At this time members of the Lee County Planning Board retired to the <br />Small Conference Room (Room #124) to discuss the four (4) text amendments <br />as outlined by Mr. Downey and bring a recommendation back to the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />Economic Development Director Bob Heuts told the Board that members <br />of the Lee County Economic Development Corporation had unanimously <br />approved an incentive package for Wyeth Biotech to seek approval from their <br />corporate office to construct a 195,000 sq. ft. administrative office at their Lee <br />County facility. Mr. Heuts stated the facility would house approximately 650 <br />employees with an investment of as much as $50,000,000.00. Lee County would <br />be asked to provide a grant of $911,858.00, over five-years, to assist in the <br />construction of the above referenced administrative building. <br />Chairman Hincks opened the public hearing that had been advertised for <br />this date and time to hear comments from the public concerning an incentive <br />package for Wyeth Biotech to construct a new administrative office on their Lee <br />County property. <br />Economic Development Director Bob Heuts spoke in favor of the incentive <br />package. <br />Ms. Mary Thornton Yarborough of 713 Denada Path, Sanford, spoke in <br />opposition to the incentive package. Ms. Yarborough stated there were more <br />pressing County needs at this time and this project would take taxpayer money <br />that should be used for more important issues. <br />Chairman Hincks closed the public hearing. <br />Chairman Hincks moved to approve a Resolution Requesting Grant of <br />Incentive Funds from Lee County for the Wyeth Project and Authorizing the <br />Execution and Delivery of Documents Pertaining to Said Project, and a <br />Resolution Authorizing the Expenditures of Funds for an Economic Development <br />Project and Approving an Agreement with the Lee County Economic <br />3 <br />