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0 0 <br />BK:00021 PG:0042 <br />Commissioner Adams stated he feels an extensive search for property <br />has not been conducted, as was done for the new high school site. <br />Commissioner Reives asked that he be furnished with the number of <br />people that would be affected in each building. <br />After some discussion, Commissioner Reives stated with all the other <br />pressing issues the County is facing at this time, he feels the timing isn't right to <br />build or renovate a building. Mr. Reives further stated he feels the County should <br />make do with what we have for another year or two. <br />Commissioner Stevens stated the new Administrative Building was part of <br />the Capital Improvements Project (CIP) that was adopted and therefore should <br />be addressed at this time. Ms. Stevens also questioned the overcrowding at the <br />Planning and Inspection Departments that is an issue now. <br />Chairman Hincks stated he feels something should be done in the Health <br />Department now because of the current overcrowding problem. Mr. Hincks <br />asked that the Board be furnished with statements from Health Director Mike <br />Hanes and Social Services Director Brenda Potts concerning space <br />requirements and projected needs. <br />After further discussion, County Manager David Smitherman and Assistant <br />County Manager Kenny Cole were asked to provide additional information on all <br />the property presented in Mr. Cole's presentation and schedule another work <br />session following the regular August meeting of the Board. <br />Chairman Hincks recessed the meeting to the Commissioners Room, Lee <br />County Government Center, for the regular scheduled 3:00 p.m. meeting. <br />Chairman Hincks called the regular meeting to order with all <br />Commissioners present. <br />County Attorney K. R. Hoyle delivered the invocation. <br />Chairman Hincks led the pledge of allegiance. <br />The following new employees were introduced to Commissioners: <br />Ms. Summer Emerson, Sheriff's Department <br />Ms. Sherri Galvin, Sheriff's Department <br />Mr. David McKee, Sheriff's Department <br />Ms. Sandra Molina, Social Services <br />Ms. LeAnn McKoy, Social Services <br />Mr. Roy Haddock, Jr., Youth & Family Services <br />Mr. Marvin Sapp, Animal Control <br />2 <br />