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0 0 <br />BK 00021 PG:0051 <br />3. To pay the Forester or Forest Ranger for all official services rendered, at a fair rate of pay. Rates of pay <br />are to be established by the Department in accordance with existing State salary schedules. - <br />4. To direct, supervise, instruct, and inspect, through its agents, the work and conduct of the Forester or <br />Forest Ranger, to discipline and, when necessary, discharge such Forester or Forest Ranger. <br />5. To submit to the Board of Commissioners monthly (or at other mutually satisfactory intervals) an <br />itemized statement of all monies to be paid by the County and those paid by the Department for the proper conduct <br />of the work within said County. <br />6. To make available amorally from State, Federal , and other funds allotted to it, the sum of One hundred <br />nineteen thousand eight hundred ninety two dollars ($119,892) as its share of an annual budget of $199,819 for <br />carrying on the work in said County. <br />Part 11. THE BOARD AGREES: <br />1. To pay the Department 40% of the total cost of the Forester or Forest Ranger salaries and expenses and <br />of other proper expenditures made in connection with the over-all Forestry program in said County, upon receipt and <br />consequent approval of the periodic statements submitted by the Department. <br />2. To appropriate annually the sum of Seventy nine thousand nine hundred twentv eight dollars <br />(579.928), which sum shall be available for expenditure under the terms of this Agreement, and shall represent the <br />County's share of the annual budget. <br />Part III. IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD BY BOTH PARTIES: <br />1. That this Agreement becomes effective July 1, 2006 <br />2. That the annual appropriations as set forth above may be revised by mutual agreement between the <br />Department and the Board, based on the amount of annual appropriation desirable for the proper conduct of the <br />Forestry work, such revision to become effective at the beginning of a given Fiscal Year. Any unused balance of <br />County funds remaining at the end of a Fiscal Year shall revert to said County unless otherwise mutually agreed <br />upon by both parties. <br />1 That the Board reimburse the Department as provided in Part II, Item 1, by forwarding a county voucher <br />drawn in favor of the Department for the amount of the County's share of expenditures as set forth in the <br />Department's periodic statement to the Board. That such payments be made by the Board within thirty days <br />following receipt of the Department's billing. <br />4. The title to all improvements and equipment purchased and/or constructed in connection with this <br />Agreement will rest with the Department; such materials or their equivalent will remain in the County as long as this <br />Agreement is in effect, or as long as they are needed by The Department for the proper conduct of the work therein. <br />5. That the Forester or Forest Ranger periodically or at the request of the Board, shall present to the Board <br />statements of the work being done within the County, so that said Board may be fully informed at all times regarding <br />the Forestry finances and activities within the County. <br />