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0 BOOK 21 PAGE i <br />DC-251 (Revised 12/10/04) <br />equipment to be used by inmates in the performance of their assigned <br />tasks must meet all safety requirements for guarding, warning labels, <br />condition and operation as required by OSHA and the manufacturer. <br />C. The managers and supervisors of the town/county/DOT shall insure that <br />all inmates utilize all required safety equipment and safe work procedures <br />in the performance of their assigned tasks. <br />V. Waiver and Billing Information <br />It is agreed that the North Carolina Department of Correction will waive <br />administrative cost, transportation and custody supervision cost. <br />VI. Medical <br />If injury or death arises out of and in the course of assignment to work under the <br />supervision of the governmental agency for which the Department of Correction <br />is required to pay compensation to such inmate, his dependents or next-of-kin, <br />under the provisions of G.S. 97-13, the governmental agency shall reimburse the <br />Department of Correction. <br />VII. Inmate Conduct <br />Lee County Operational Services reserves the right to refuse or return an inmate <br />should safety, security or order is questionable and agrees to follow North <br />Carolina Department of Correction rules and regulations as stipulated in the <br />Supervisory Orientation Training session. Division of Prisons will be the sole <br />party responsible for issuing disciplinary action against any inmate employed by <br />Lee County Operational Services. Any misconduct will be reported <br />immediately to Division of Prisons facility superintendent. Either party with a <br />30-day notice may terminate the contract at any time. <br />Page 6 of 6 <br />