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Budget Ordinance, Fiscal Year 2006-07 BOOK '40 PAGE1013 <br />County of Lee, North Carolina <br />June 5, 2006 <br />Page 5 <br />SECTION 9. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available to the <br />Solid Waste Management Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2006 and ending <br />on June 30, 2007: <br />Miscellaneous <br />$ 15,500 <br />1% Surcharge on Tires <br />47,000 <br />White Goods Disposal Fee <br />21,000 <br />Interest Income <br />12,500 <br />Landfill Tipping Fee <br />301,450 <br />Rural Household Disposal/Collection Fees <br />814,737 <br />Fund Balance <br />62,917 <br />TOTAL <br />$ 1,275,104 <br />SECTION 10. SOLID WASTE RULES AND DISPOSAL FEES The charges <br />and rules for solid waste disposal in Lee County shall be as follows: <br />a. A thirty-eight dollars and sixty cents ($38.60) per ton charge shall be collected on all <br />solid waste generated within Lee County and brought to the transfer station. <br />b. There will be a solid waste disposal fee of seventy-seven dollars ($77.00) annually <br />for each club, church, residential based commercial enterprise, and each County <br />residence located outside the corporate limits of the City of Sanford and of the Town <br />of Broadway. Exemptions for vacancies at mobile home parks can be requested by <br />the owner and will be provided upon proof the vacancies exist. Households subject <br />to fees are those in existence on January 1, 2006. New households will be added <br />upon completion as verified by the County building permit. <br />c. Commercial businesses and industrial activities shall be required to contract with <br />private haulers or transport their own solid waste to the transfer station and shall pay <br />thirty-eight dollars and sixty cents ($38.60) per ton disposal fee. <br />d. The rural household disposal and recycling center fee shall be billed with the ad <br />valorem taxes and shall be payable at the same time and in the same manner as <br />taxes. The first moneys paid shall be applied to the solid waste fee. Interest on <br />delinquent fees shall be assessed in the same manner as though the fee were ad <br />valorem taxes. The annual fee shall become a lien upon the real property as though <br />it were ad valorem taxes. <br />e. The entry into the C & D Landfill or Transfer Station of any vehicle signifies the <br />consent of the owner and driver of the vehicle for it to be searched so that it can be <br />ensured that no hazardous or prohibited substance is brought into the landfill or <br />transfer station. <br />f. All haulers who must pay the per ton disposal fee shall pay at the time the solid <br />waste is delivered to the C & D Landfill or Transfer Station unless arrangements <br />have been made for periodic billing. <br />g. Solid waste collections from institutional facilities (county schools and government <br />buildings) by the Solid Waste Division will be done at the rate of three dollars and <br />fifty cents ($3.50) per cubic yard. Fee charged is based on the container size, not <br />the amount of contents. <br />