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Minutes - June 3, 2013 Budget Work Session
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Minutes - June 3, 2013 Budget Work Session
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BK:00025 PG -0631 <br />LEE COUNTY <br />.. <br />M ME <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />BUDGET WORK SESSION <br />OF THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />106 HILLCREST DRIVE <br />SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br />JUNE 3, 2013 <br />The budget work session of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, State of North <br />Carolina, convened at 1 p.m. in the Gordon Wicker Conference Room, Lee County Government <br />Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners Amy M. Dalrymple, <br />Charles T. Parks, Kirk D. Smith, and James K. Womack were in attendance. Staff in attendance <br />included County Manager John Crumpton, Assistant Finance Director Debby Oldham, and Clerk to the <br />Board Gaynell Lee. <br />Chairman Parks called the meeting to order. <br />The Board met with representatives from the Lee County Board of Education to discuss their <br />budget requests for FY 2013 -14. Dr. Lynn Smith, Chairman of the Lee County Board of Education <br />stated the budget presented by the School Board is what they feel is necessary for the children of Lee <br />County. Anticipated cuts from the State for teachers, teacher assistants, student ambassadors, tutors, <br />and classroom supplies were discussed. Outsourcing of custodian workers, an increase in lunch fees, <br />fund balance, Lee Senior High School project, school security, and the transfer of School Resource <br />Officer's to the Lee County Sheriff were items discussed. <br />School officials stated they had done everything possible to reduce their cost of operations and <br />that, without additional county taxpayer funding, more teachers, teacher assistants, and other essential <br />personnel would have to be cut from the school system. Commissioners requested updates on <br />recommendations from the Evergreen financial review where cost savings had been suggested. Dr. <br />Moss indicated the schools have chosen not to outsource or privatize their custodial workers (which <br />had been estimated to save $300,000 or more each year). Commissioner Womack then questioned <br />the veracity of the claim they had done everything possible to reduce costs. He suggested the schools <br />still had room for additional operational efficiencies before cutting teaching staff. He also inquired about <br />the Evergreen recommendation to raise lunch fees. Dr. Moss explained that this was no longer <br />optional on their part, that the federal government now requires the school fees in line with the <br />Evergreen recommendation. Commissioner Parks questioned the school system about athletic <br />coaches and salaries. Commissioners Dalrymple and Womack both remarked they were concerned <br />about losing even more teacher assistants at the K -3 levels. <br />School Superintendent Dr. Jeff Moss asked for assistance with fines and forfeitures from the <br />courts. In 2004 the schools received $640,200 from the courts and this year they have only received <br />around $155,500. According to the N.C. School Board Association, the State requires courts to give <br />proceeds of all penalties and forfeitures and all fines collected to the public schools. <br />
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