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Minutes - May 31, 2013 Budget Work Session
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Minutes - May 31, 2013 Budget Work Session
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BK - 00025 PG:0630 <br />not have the money to pay for the services. Ms. Conaty realizes the County has been in an economy <br />slump and in no position to continue to put money in the program. She has no problem with going after <br />the mental health funds that are there for the higher level children, and no qualms about jumping <br />through the Medicaid and Health Insurance hoops so she can bill. Our only part of the "partnership" <br />would be use of the Youth Services building. She would be responsible for the programs and costs; the <br />County would provide the place to provide the service. Ms. Conaty would also be willing to provide <br />"parenting classes" as there is a great need for this service. The UDO was changed to Office & <br />Institution in 1990 so there should not be a problem for her to increase the number of beds it would be <br />licensed for as a Level 2 — currently it is a Level 1 with 9 beds. It could probably be increased to a 12 <br />bed facility. This would meet with the Evergreen Study recommendation — a public - private partnership. <br />Ms. Potts stated this is a great opportunity for us to continue the service with the only investment being <br />the use of the building. <br />Ms. Potts discussed the In -Home Aid Program that currently has four (4) full -time employees. <br />The budget has recommended one position be cut and one worker has plans to retire at this time. She <br />would like to replace the In -Home Aid position if the Commissioners could find extra money. <br />The Board discussed the Health Department budget requests. The Primary Care Program was <br />discussed in great detail and the possibility of eliminating the program since it is not a mandated <br />program. Commissioner Womack stated he felt the County was duplicating services since Urgent <br />Care's, the Helping Hand Clinic, and the Emergency Room at the hospital is available to assist citizens <br />that currently use the Primary Care Clinic. Commissioner Dalrymple stated she thought the Board <br />should talk with the medical community before closing the Primary Care Clinic. Commissioner Womack <br />suggested an increase to the fee schedule where it would be revenue neutral — then he would be more <br />in favor of keeping the program. Currently a flat rate fee is charged — not on a sliding fee schedule. <br />Health Director Terrell Jones stated he needed an Administrative Assistant position to handle <br />grants and a one -half staff person to help man the front desk on the first floor. He also stated the <br />Evergreen Report recommended a Nurse Director position to replace the Nursing Supervisor and the <br />hiring of an additional nurse to replace the Nursing Supervisor. <br />Commissioner Knecht left the meeting at 2:08 p.m. <br />Mr. Jones asked that the Environmental Health position be left in the budget since they are just <br />barely keeping up with inspections at this time. Commissioners asked Mr. Jones to check into more <br />automation for his department. County Manager John Crumpton stated that if Mr. Jones can find ways <br />to justify keeping the Environmental Health position the Board will consider keeping it in the budget. No <br />changes were recommended for the Health Department budget at this time. <br />The budget work session adjourned at 3 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />C�h arles T. Parks, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />NGH'i'H CAiiOU NA, LEA COUNT <br />Presented for registration on this 'day <br />of 20, U at 3 : Q o gfOC( <br />re;.,ldled in book a S Page 8 <br />rv7U iii a A. ''ii'_: ,,, nis, Re ' r 0`I D ^,eds, <br />
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