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BOOK 9 ?AGE J1 <br />1. The following described property is ..hereby <br />declared to be surplus to the needs of the County: <br />BEGINNING at a stake in the eastern margin of Steele <br />Street situated 100 feet northwardly from the northeast <br />corner of the intersection of Steele Street and Carthage <br />Street; and running thence eastwardly with the north line <br />of a ten foot alley, , and parallel to Carthage Street 100 <br />feet to a stake; thence northwardly, parallel with Steele <br />Street, 27 feet to a stake; thence westwardly, parallel <br />with Carthage Street to and with the center line of a <br />seventeen inch brick wall of the building situated upon <br />said lot, 100 feet to a stake in the eastern margin of <br />Steele Street; thence southwardly on the eastern line of <br />Steele Street 27 feet to the BEGINNING, and being the <br />same land conveyed to Charles P. Rogers by deed of the <br />Trustees of Sanford Baptist Church, recorded in Book <br />23, page 264, and by deed of W. R. Makepeace and wife, <br />recorded in Book 25, page 284, Registry of Lee County, <br />reference to which is hereby made for a further descrip- <br />tion. This conveyance is made subject to and includes <br />and conveys all of the party wall rights, duties and ease- <br />ments contained in those certain party wall agreements <br />entered into between W. R. Makepeace and wife and <br />Charles P. Rogers and wife, recorded in Book 25, page <br />287, and Book 25, page 612, Registry of Lee County, <br />reference to which is hereby made for the terms and <br />provisions thereof. <br />2. The County Attorney is authorized to receive <br />in the Board of Commissioner's behalf, bids at public <br />auction for the purchase of the described property. <br />3. The public auction will be held on Saturday, <br />September 29, 1979, at 11:00 o'clock a. m. , at 114 N. <br />Steele Street, Sanford, North Carolina. The terms of <br />the sale shall be cash, with the closing to take place <br />within fifteen days after acceptance by the Board of <br />County Commissioners. <br />4. The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br />shall cause a notice of the public auction to be published <br />in accordance with G. S. 153A-176. <br />5. The person making the highest bid shall <br />deposit with the County Finance Officer an amount <br />equal to 5% of the bid. <br />6. The highest bid shall be reported to the <br />Board of Commissioners for Lee County and must be <br />accepted and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners <br />before the sale will be final. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon <br />voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />a <br />