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poor PAGE569 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />V V LLLA1Y S & WOR_Ks <br />ENGINEERS/ SURVEYORS/ PLANNERS/ GEOLOGISTS /ARCHITECTS <br />BOX 488. OLD CARBONTON ROAD. SANFORD. NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br />TELEPHONE (919) 776-8331 <br />Tract #6 <br />Beginning at an iron pipe, the Southwest Corner of lot #76 of the <br />Parkwood Subdivision of the Earl R. Shaw Estate as recorded in Deed Book 252, <br />Page 319, and running thence as the southerly line of the Parkwood Subdivision, <br />N S8-47-38 E 527.32' to an iron pipe in the Annie Mae Godfrey line, thence with <br />the Annie Mae Godfrey line S 17-36-18 E 55.74' to an iron pipe in the Sanford- <br />Lee County Airport property line, thence with the Airport property line and <br />running with a fence, S 32-04-S3 W 855.01' to an iron pipe, thence leaving the <br />fence and running as a new line in the Joe D. Godfrey property, N 57-54-44 W <br />279.58' to an iron pipe, thence continuing as a new line, N 32-OS-16 E 420.00' <br />to the point of Beginning and containing 4.42 acres and being a portion of Joe <br />D. Godfrey property as described in Deed Book 76, Page 234, Lee County Registry. <br />Property consists of all of Tract #6 as shown on a nap prepared by hilliams & <br />Works, Inc., entitled "Survey for Sanford - Lee County Airport," and dated <br />April 26, 1979. <br />