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boor ~ PAGE e~ <br />MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING <br />OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Tuesday, September 25, 1979 <br /> <br />The adjourned regular meeting of the Board oc Commissioners for <br />the County of Lee, convened in the Commissioners Room, on the second floor of <br />the County Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at twelve <br />o'clock noon, on Tuesday, September 25, 1979, in keeping with the motion for ad- <br />journment. Those present were Commissioners Jack D. Funderburke, K. S. <br />Harmon, Lila P. Nielsen, Clyde J. Rhyne and Gordon A. Wicker. None of the <br />Commissioners were absent. The Chairman declared a quorum present and the <br />meeting open for the transaction of business. <br />Chairman K. S. Harmon presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker brought up the question of amending <br />the minutes of September 17th, 1979, pertaining to the appropriation going to the <br />Parks & Recreation Commission, for the dam repair. Commissioner Wicker moved <br />that the resolution be amended to show that the appropriation be made to the San-Lee <br />Park Dam Project, in the non-departmental fund. Before Commissioner Wicker's <br />motion could be seconded, Commissioner Rhyne moved the adoption of a substantial <br />motion which incorporated the amendment desired by Commissioner Wicker and <br />with that amendment that the minutes be approved and recorded. The substitute <br />motion was seconded and upon a vote, unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next took up the minutes of the adjourned meeting held <br />on September 18, 1979, and upon motion of Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, seconded <br />by Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen, the minutes were approved and ordered recorded, <br />upon a unanimous vote. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan and Mr. John Ogburn, appeared before the <br />Board and Mr. Buchanan presented a grant agreement and offer from the Federal <br />Aviation Administration for a grant in the amount of $67, 728. 00. The offer and <br />grant was reviewed and explained after which Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved <br />the adoption of the following resolution, which was read in full: <br />.RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, ADOPTING, <br />APPROVING, ACCEPTING AND RATIFYING <br />THE EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT <br />FOR PROJECT NO. 5-37-0089-02 BETWEEN <br />THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND <br />COUNTY OF LEE, NORTH CAROLINA <br />BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners <br />of the County of Lee: <br />SECTION 1. That said Board of Commissioners hereby <br />authorizes, adopts, approves, accepts and ratifies the execution <br />of Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration <br />on behalf of the United States of America and the County of Lee. <br />