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1979 - 11-05-79 Regular Meeting
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1979 - 11-05-79 Regular Meeting
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8/25/2009 3:10:23 PM
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8/25/2009 3:09:51 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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ISLE " ij <br />the County and John C. Muse & Company, for auditing services. The Board requested <br />the Finance Officer to examine the contract and report to them later. <br />Mr. James Coats, Director, and Mrs. Brenda Potts, Social Worker, <br />appeared before the Board on behalf of the Social Services Department, and requested <br />authority for the employment of an additional eligibility specialist. Mrs. Potts review- <br />ed the activities in the AFDC Section. Mr. Coats was unable to assure the Board that <br />the employment of an additional eligibility specialist could be financed under the exist- <br />ing appropriation. No action was taken upon this request at this time. <br />Mr. James Coats, Director of Social Services Department, reported <br />that he had been advised that he should have the personnel handling the mailing program <br />for the food stamps, bonded, and had done so, and had received a statement from <br />Childress- Roberts, Inc. , for a premium of $849. 00. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />moved that the budget be amended to appropriate the sum of $849. 00 from line item <br />#10-660-57, entitled "Emergency and Contingencies Fund" to line item #10-500-54, <br />entitled "Insurance", under the public building fund, for the purpose of paying the bond <br />premium for social service workers handling food stamps. Commissioner Jack D. <br />Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Funder- <br />burke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The Board then took a 10 minute recess, and following the recess, Mrs. Viola Bowling <br />appeared before the Board on behalf of the Johnston-Lee Community Action Program <br />and discussed the VISTA Program, as well as the Sanford Neighborhood Action Program <br />(SNAP). Following her presentation, Mrs. Bowling requested that County owned space <br />in the County Office Building be made available for operation of a VISTA Program. <br />There followed a discussion between the Commissioners and Mrs. Bowling and also <br />other parties interested in the VISTA Program, including Mr. Frank Dyar and Mr. <br />Harvey Knotts, Jr. No action was taken upon the request at this time. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Director, appeared before the Board <br />and reviewed his monthly report concerning the various projects presently being con- <br />structed underthe supervision of his department. <br />The Chairman noted the receipt of various departmental reports <br />which had been distributed to the Commissioners at this meeting. <br />The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from Mr. G. N. <br />Childress, complaining about the unsightly condition of a junk yard near Cameron <br />Village. <br />The Chairman reported that Mr. Joel Jackson had requested that <br />Mrs. Betty Eades be appointed to serve on the Emergency Medical Services Board in <br />place of Mrs. Beatrice Fields who had resigned. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne <br />moved that Mrs. Betty Eades be appointed to serve on the Emergency Medical Services <br />Board in the place and stead of Mrs. Beatrice Fields, and for her unexpired term. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted. <br />A draft of an Ordinance governing the Storage, Collection, Trans- <br />porting and Disposal of Solid Waste in Lee County, was presented to the Board. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the Board conduct a public hearing on the <br />proposed Ordinance at 7:30 o'clock p. m. , on November 19, 1979, which the next <br />regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman advised the Board he had received a letter from the <br />Board of Commissioners for Cherokee County, North Carolina, requesting support <br />for a resolution for support of small farmers. The Board requested that copies of <br />the Resolution be distributed to members of the Board and the matter be placed on the <br />agenda for the next meeting. <br />
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