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BOOK 9 mul612 10 <br />The Board next considered the written request of the Planning Board <br />for amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance. It was first decided to hold a public <br />hearing on December 17, 1979, but it was impossible to publish the necessary notice <br />and the date was changed to Monday, January 7, 1980. <br />The Chairman reminded the Board of the meeting to be held on Dec- <br />ember 13, 1979, at Mike's Restaurant concerning alternative methodis of disposing of <br />wastewater. <br />The Chairman presented to the Board the recommendations of the <br />Library Board that Dr. John E. Dotterer and Mrs. Margaret Murchison be appointed <br />to Board of Trustees for the Lee County Library as authorized by General Statute <br />153A-265. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that Dr. John E. Dotterer and <br />Mrs. Margaret Murchison be appointed to the Library Board of Trustees for the terms <br />prescribed. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker reported that the terms of Mrs. <br />Sandra Wilson and Mr. John McPhaul on the District Board of Health, were expiring <br />and that while the County Commissioner members of the District Board of Health <br />had the right to appoint such members under General Statute 130-14, he wanted to seek <br />approval of the Board to recommend them for reappointment. Commissioner Wicker <br />then moved that the Board approve the reappointment of Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. <br />McPhaul to the District Board of Health. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the Board rescind any rule <br />heretofore adopted by this or any previous Board of Commissioners which limits <br />appointments under its control to two consecutive terms of not more than eight years <br />total service. Commissioner Rhyne stated he did not favor the rule and since the <br />Board had broken to rule in reappointing Dr. Dotterer to the Library Board of Trustees <br />he thought the rule should be rescinded. Other members of the Board expressed the <br />opinion that the rule had merit and they were not aware of violating the rule in appointing <br />Dr. Dotterer. There was no second and the Chairman declared the motion died for lack of <br />a second. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the previous action of the <br />Board in appointing Dr. John E. Dotterer and Mrs. Margaret Murchison be rescinded. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion. Upon a vote, Commissioners <br />Funderburke, Nielsen, Wicker, and Harmon voted for it and Commissioner Rhyne voted <br />against it. Chairman Harmon declared that two-thirds of those present and a majority <br />of the entire membership had voted to rescind and therefore the motion to rescind had <br />carried. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned sine die. <br />i <br />K. S. HARMON <br />CHAIRMAN <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />P, d for registration on the.9.......DDday <br />of._ p1. at.~r'...M, <br />recorded in Book .......l._.......... page 1: %;40._ <br />Pattie W. McGil.2ry, Resister of Deeds <br />