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80'0% <br />are usually assessed at a rate proportionate to front'. <br />lineal footage of property owner's," and <br />WHEREAS-, th~e'se improvements will be financed <br />with Federal Community Development monies; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED'by the <br />Board of Commissioners of the County of Lee that low <br />and moderate income residents and/or property owners <br />in this area will in no way or manner be assessed the 1 am <br />cost of making these improvements financed by Community <br />Development funds. ` <br />Commissioner Jack-D. Funderburke seconded the motion-and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Administrator,, presented a bill <br />which his office had received from Williams & Works, Inc. ; for-services rendered <br />in preparing the, 1979 Community Development Block Grant application. Mr. BuCh- <br />anan explained'that- the:Countyfileda pre-application; was invited to and-did file an <br />application, and were.placed on a stand-byor-alternate basis,,- Unfortunately, all <br />grants=were, accepted. and Lee County's application was not funded' and thereforeā€ž the ' <br />work in preparing the applications will have to be paid from County funds `,Commiss{ <br />-.ioner Clyde J., 'Rhyne moved that provided Williams & Works,` Inc.,, files -an itemi- ' <br />_j zation of the work involved;' that the bill be. approved for payment and that;thesum of - <br />..$'1; 000.`00 is appropriated from the-Emergency and.Contingency'Fund~,to,the Grants <br />Program#or such purpos'e', Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke`second'ed the motion <br />and,upon a roll 'Calf vote;-t, Commissioners Funderburke, Nelsen; Rhyne-,-- Wicker;, and <br />Harm <br />on Voted.for,it and iio',one voted against it. <br />The Board then-,proceeded to=hold a public hearing on amendments <br />to the Subdivision Ordinance. The Chairman, recognized Mr. Jerry Almond,' Chairman . <br />of;the Planning Board and Mr. Ralph Willoughby; Senior Planner from the N.- C. <br />Department of Natural. Resources & Community Development, both of whom spoke in <br />explanation of `.the proposed changes.. There were no people'.who-requested to speak, <br />on the.matter,_- either for or against the-amendments, , and the Board closed. the public <br />hearing.. <br />CommissionerClyde J. -Rhyne moved that the Subdivision:Ordinance <br />'be"amended as follows: <br />