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BOOK, `9 nuf <br />' WHEREAS;.•.the North Carolina Department of <br />4 t Natural'Re'sources and. Community Development has " <br />B 1 offered:.a grant in the amount of Four Thousand Three <br />Hundred Sixty Four Dollars ($4;;364) for Lee County's. ' <br />acceptance;' <br />'NOW THEREFORE BENT RESOLVED by the <br />Board of Commissioners of Lee County, to :accept the - <br />grant'offer of Four Thousand Three Hundred Sixty <br />Four, Dollars ($4; 364) and authorize the Chairman, <br />K. S. Harmon, to sign the acceptance of the grant. <br />Commissioner Jack D, Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a - <br />vote it.was unanimously adopted: a <br />Representatives of'W lliams Works, Inc.reviewed the pre-appli <br />cation'of a Community Development Block Grant, following which Commissioner Clyde <br />J. Rhyne moved"the adoption of the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, Title Lof the Housing & Community <br />Development.Act-of 1974; and as amended in d19 .8; provides for <br />.-grants to qua li£ying,municipalities to carryout eligible commun <br />ity development';projects; and <br />WHEREAS, The Board bf Commissioners of the County" <br />of Lee finds'=that there is a need.for communityimprovements <br />aimed at eliminating or preventing slum and blight and achieving <br />the National goal of "a decent home and suitable living environ <br />ment for every American family"; <br />NOW, THEREFORE„ BE IT RESOLVED, By flee. Board <br />of Commissioners of the County of Lee: <br />1. That the County of Lee shall apply fora Small <br />Cities,Community Development Block Grant under the Corn- <br />prehensive Program in the amount of $558,000 to implement <br />proposed community development activities in the Grape- <br />vineyard project area; <br />2.. That the proper officers of the County of Lee be, <br />and -they- are hereby,are, authorized and directed to submit <br />all necessary application documents to the United States De- <br />partment of Housing. &'U rban.Development and to provide <br />any additional supporting data that may' be required. <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen 'seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />' <br />it,,,vas•unanimously. adopted. <br />Commissioner. Clyde J. Rhyne moved the adoption of the•following <br />resolution pertaining to'a "No-Assessment" policy for water, sewer, and street <br />improvements in-the rehabilitation area of San-Lee Heights (Grapevineyard): <br />WHEREAS, the County of Lee is making application <br />for grant assistance under the Housing and Community <br />Development Acts of 1994 and 1977; and. <br />_ s e <br />WHEREAS the County. of Lee is proposing a concert- <br />trated ;rehabilitation program for a. designated blighted area <br />`located i'n-the San-Lee Heights (Grapeyineyard) area; and <br />WHEREAS, the concentrated, rehabilitation program <br />" at includes-,certain improvements to the water and sanitary <br />sewer systems and the "street networks, the costs of which <br />