<br />seconded the motion and-upon a vote it`was unanimously adopted.
<br />Mr, Elwin J. Buchanan;"" Grants `Administrator; appeared before,
<br />the Board and ,reviewed`-his 'monthly report. Mr:• Buchanan advised the'Board'that- a .
<br />supplier-had failed to furhish-a_-value to W,.''& W, Contracting Co, , Inc. ,.and this
<br />would delay the_completion,of,their segment of the GKN-Osgood Water line -Upon
<br />Mr, Buchanan's recommendation, the'Board`extended the c6mpleti6n date for W; &
<br />W., Contracting; Co. , Inc.,,, until January 31, ' 1980, for this-reason , The motion to
<br />,t grant the extension was made'by Commissioner-Jack ,.D. Funderburke, seconded-by
<br />? Conimiss'ionerClyde J. :Rhyne, and was unanimously adopted upon a vote,:
<br />=g = Commissioner Clyde J: Rhyne moved the adoption of-the-following
<br />resolutioni:pertaining'to the acceptanc.e.of'a.grantfrom N„ G,. Departme'rit o&Natral
<br />Resources and Community:Development for sewer:improvements'at the Lee County
<br />Industrial.Park:"
<br />LEE'.COUNTY have deiermined,it to be-to the best interest
<br />of the citizens of-Lee County to..construct approximately
<br />200 lineal feet of,8-inch ,collection sewer and 21000 lineal. '
<br />'.feet of 1'0-inch collection- sewer,,andone (1) pump station to.
<br />-serve the Lee County;Industrial Park; and ' -
<br />`WHEREAS; *Lee' County- has applied fora. grant from
<br />the North Carolina 'Department.:ofNatural Resources and.
<br />Community Development in the amount of Twenty Seven
<br />Thousand'Five Hundred Dollars ($27., 500).to assist in the,
<br />construction of these collection sewer" lines and pump.
<br />station; and`
<br />WHEREAS1The North Carolina Department of Natural
<br />Resources & Community Development has. offered a' grant in
<br />the amount of Twenty" One Thousand Fifty,Five Dollars ($21; 055) " . "
<br />for Lee`County's'acceptance,.
<br />;,NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of
<br />Commissioners of.Lee'Gounty to accept the,grant offer of n'
<br />Twenty-Pne• Thousand Fifty Five Dollars ($21, 055) and autho'rizel, .1
<br />the Chairman; K.'S,."Harmori, to sign the'acceptance`of the',,
<br />g rant.
<br />Commissioner Lila P:> Nielsen'seconded the, motion and upon a
<br />vote it was unanimously adopted-.
<br />Commissioner Clyde,.J. Rhyne-moved the adoption of the following
<br />resolution pertaining to acceptance'of -a grant. from the North Carolina Department
<br />of Natural Resources and Community`Dedelopment for:sewer'improveme-nts at'the
<br />P.. K,' Buchanan Industrial Site: j
<br />FOR LEE COUNTY: have determined it to be to the best.
<br />interest of the citizens of Lee County to construct approx-
<br />imately 650 lineal feet of 8 -inch collection sewer and re-
<br />lated.appurtenances'to serve the'P; K„Buchanan Industrial-
<br />-Site (Sndustrial Drive); and
<br />WHEREAS, I:ee County has applied'.for a grant'from'the
<br />North..Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Comm-
<br />.'unity Development in the amount, of Five Thousand-Seven
<br />Hundred Dollars ($5;.°700) to assist in the construction'.-of this
<br />sewer line and related appurtenances; and
<br />