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On a motion by Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen, seconded by <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, the Lee County Commissioners voted unan- <br />imously to adopt the following resolution, authorizing the Chairman to enter into <br />a contract with the North Carolina Department of Transportation' as specified: <br />.WHEREAS, the Chairman, of the Zee County <br />Commissioners has-requested the North Carolina Depart- <br />ment of :Transportation to provide 90% percent of the cost <br />of the following public transportation project: <br />County Transportation Coordinator <br />at an estimated cost' of $15,000 of which the Non-State <br />cost amounts` to 10- 'Percent. cost; <br />:WHEREAS, the Lee County Commissioners desire <br />to provide the non-State cost of the above described public <br />transportation project; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED <br />that the Chairman of the Lee County Commissioners be <br />and hereby is author.ized and empowered. to enter intoa <br />contract with the Department of Transportation as may be <br />necessary to effectuate the aforesaid expressed,purpose, <br />thereby binding the said Lee County Commissioners to the <br />fulfillment of its obligation s.incurred under said contract <br />and this resolution. ' <br />It was reported that the Department of Labor had inspected the <br />County office building and found everything in order except that the School Board <br />had radio equipment in the elevator equipment room. The -Board requested that the <br />School Board be notified of these findings and requested to relocate their radio <br />equipment. <br />The written request of Faye W. Griffin of 505'Hickory Avenue, <br />Sanford, for a refund for taxes paid in 1979 in the amount of $28. 65 was presented <br />to the Board. It appeared that adwelling house on the lot had been removed in-1978 <br />and the taxpayer failed to make,a correction' when the taxes were listed in 1979. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the County refund to Faye W,. Griffin the <br />sum of $28._65 for taxes paid in'1979 for a nonexistent house and that the County tax <br />records be corrected to delete the valuation of such house for the abstract of Faye <br />W; Griffin. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll <br />' call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen„ Rhyne, Wicker and Harn-ion.'voted <br />for it and no one voted against it. s <br />The County Attorney presented a-request from,the'City'of Sanford <br />- for a conveyance of the lift station site on Secondary Road No., 1527. It appeared <br />that the lift station site was acquired by the County pursuant to a contractual agree- <br />a ment with the City of Sanford under which the County installed the•sewe line from <br />the Coty plant to the City system in the vicinity of Jonesboro Heights and the City of A <br />Sanford was to operate and maintain the line and after the County had recovered its <br />initial cost by ad valorem takes 'or service charges-then the, title to the line was to go <br />to the City. It also appearing that the line was constructed in 1971 .and that the County <br />has received its initial cost through payments of ad valorem taxes by Coty, it was <br />upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner Clyde J. <br />Rhyne; unanimously resolved to convey the 0, 6 acre tract described in Deed Book 120, <br />Page 246, Lee County.Registry to the City of Sanford in complaince with the County's <br />contractual obligation and.the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to execute and.deliver <br />a deed for such property to the City of Sanford. <br />, <br />