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BOOK <br />B. Density <br />Individual lot size may be varied, but the overall density shall <br />be approred by the Board of County Cc: _ ssioners. "1 remaining <br />land not shcw-n se lets shall be designated as ca-_on areas. <br />C. North Carolina Unit C-nershio Act <br />Before a d=_claraticn establishing a condo-_ni s or _nit <br />ownership develop-ant may be recorded the cec_arat~cn and <br />plan shall be a;pro-:ed by the Planning Board. <br />D. Site Plan <br />Site plz s for all planned development shall show the <br />location of the buildings, streets, alleys, walks, <br />parking areas, recreation areas, tree covers and planting. <br />The site plan shall n-,nber and show the dimensions of all <br />building sites and all streets and utility easements to be <br />dedicated to the public. All areas on the site elan other <br />than public streets, easements or private building sites <br />snail be shown and designated as co moron areas. <br />Landscape Plan <br />A landscape plan for all planned development shall show <br />all existing and proposed plant material. The plan shall <br />indicate the size and type of existing plant material and <br />the size and type of plants to be planted. <br />F. Public Access; Easements and Private Party IIalls <br />Building lots may abut or be provided with frontage on <br />common areas, properly restricted through a property <br />owners association To assure adequate access, if in the <br />opinion of the county a public street is within an <br />acceptable distance and would allow adequate co=unity <br />services. Easements over the co=on areas for access, <br />ingress, and egress from and to public streets and walk- <br />ways and easecents for enjoyment of the c.c--on areas, as <br />well as for par}King, shall he granted to each o., .er of <br />a res'idcnT_al site. All co-.=on walls °_t' en i,e=. coal <br />residences shall be party walls and prove-lions for the <br />maintenance thereof and restoration in the event of <br />destruction or damage shall be established. <br />C. Utilities and l=vrove_ents Required <br />All p'_a:~ned de:alcr,=_nts shall include public .,ater and <br />sewer utilities, 4dewalks, paved streets and parking 2reas <br />with curb and gutter, undergrou=nd el°_ctric and te7ep`Ione <br />service, landscaping and any other rc e- ats cc•nsidered <br />r.=_cessar} by the Eoard of Co`*nty Co:---issieners. <br />