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BOOK <br />MINUTES OF THE REGU LA R. MEETING TING OF <br />THE.BOARD.OF COMMISSIONERS, <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY; NORTH- CAROLINA <br />Monday, January, 7, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee County," <br />North Carolina,, convened on Monday, January -7; ,1980, at 9:30 o'clock a. m. , in the. - <br />_ Commissioners Room on-the second floor of the County Office-Building; 200 Wicker <br />Street,: Sanford, North Carolina. Those present were Commissioners Jack D; Fund- <br />erburke, K. S; Harrrion,f. Lila P. Nielsen, .Clyde.J.- Rhyne, and Gordon A. Wicker. ' <br />None of the Commissioners were, absent, and theChairman declared that'a quorum - <br />was:present:and the meeting was open,for business. <br />Chairman K. S. Harmon presided and the following business was <br /> <br />transacted:' <br />The'lMr6ication was..given by the Reverend James Hampton; Pastor <br />of.the First.United Presbyterian Church; Sanford North Carolina-- <br />:Commissioner Clyde J.. Rhyne'-moved that the,xninu£es of the regular - <br />meeting held' on"December "17;:1979; be,approved'and recorded'in`the.Minute Book <br />,C_ommissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded<the motion and upon a vote, it was, unanirriously <br />' adopted ' <br />Road matters were discussed.and the receipt of a,letter from the. <br />S r'fDrvi`s on Engine er'setting out the road ;projects-undertaken in 1979, was'noted. Comm-. <br />ns'siorier'Gordo'n"A,"Wick er,:reported that. Mrs., Sue Fox had complairi4 oT the condition ` <br />of the ditches.on old U. S. -Highway No.'. 1 North of Sanford. <br />The Boa rd` next.considered~the-li_st of monthly bills. 'Commissioner <br />Gordon A..'Wicker asked about the wreck of. ons.of the ambulances and Commissioner - <br />Jack D. Funderburke reported on.the"wreck and the procedures being followed to repair, <br />.the vehicle. After review,. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the monthly <br />accounfs as,listed by the Finance Officer-be approved. for. payment. . Commissioner. <br />Clyde. J.' Rhyne secondedalie motion-and upon a vote, it was 'unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Charles Marsh and Mr. Bobby.Hurley,-,members. of the Lee <br />County Social Services Board, appeared before the=.Board and requested authority to. <br />add an additional employee o the Department of-Social Services an eligibility,`. <br />specialist. The Social Service Board: members,,stated, that there were unexpended funds <br /> the, appropriation for wages and salaries :which would 'cover `the` cost. Discussion <br />about the source of the funds to pay the.position lead Commissioner Rhyne to caution <br />them that. any Youth Commission expenditures provided in the Social Servic'es`.Depart-' - <br />merit budgetwould be claimed and, spent for the benefit of the' Youth Commissioni., It <br />appeared that this' request was for an additional staff position and not in substitution - <br />for. a vacant position-which, was being,deleted After further discussion, Commissioner <br />Lila P: Nielsen moved that the Department-of Social Services-,be authorized to employ <br />an, eligibility specialist for six months-from the unexpended funds in wages and salaries. <br />There second and the Chairman ruled the motion died for lack of 'a second. - <br />% <br />. r - <br />-Mr: Billy" Ray Cameron,. Director of the Office of Emergency Manage- <br />merit, appeared before the'Board and advised them that the Federal' Government would <br />:presently stored by the County for <br />sell to the County the mobile' hospital supplies <br />$25.00.` Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker roved that Mr. Cameron be authorized-to <br />pay from his department's fund the $25. OO for'the purchase price of the, niobile'hospital <br />and its *equipment for and on behalf of. Lee County. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen' <br />