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op~ <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR <br />LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Monday, February 4, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Lee County, <br />North Carolina, convened on Monday, February 4, 1980, at 9:30 o'clock a. m., <br />in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the County Office Building, <br />200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina. Those present were Commissioners <br />Jack D. Funderburke, K. S. Harmon, Lila Nielsen, Clyde J. Rhyne and Gordon A. <br />Wicker. <br />Chairman K. S. Harmon presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />The invocation was given by the Reverend Joe Morgan, pastor of First <br />Calvary Baptist Church. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on Monday, January 21, 1980, <br />were corrected to reflect the fact that the Finance Officer was directed to <br />follow the procedure for hiring according to the County Affirmative Action <br />Policy with regard to filling the vacancy of the Tax Supervisor position. <br />Commissioner Wicker moved that the minutes as corrected be approved. Commissioner <br />Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The monthly bills as listed by the Finance Officer were presented to <br />the Board. Following review of the overall list and the supporting purchase <br />orders and invoices, the bills were approved for payment upon motion of <br />Commissioner Rhyne seconded by Commissioner Nielsen. <br />The Chairman read a letter from the Recreation Commission stating <br />that they had discussed the offer of property adjoining the Seventh Street Park <br />and had voted unanimously not to accept the additional land - due to the <br />amount of maintenance required to make the property suitable for a park. <br />Chairman Harmon stated that the County Attorney should be instructed to advertise <br />the property for sale. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Director, and Mr. Derrell Mullins reported <br />on the San-Lee Park Dam. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan, Grants Administrator, and Mr. Phil Stout of <br />Williams & Works appeared before the board presenting two (2) change orders; <br />Change Order No. One (1) to Contract No. Two (2) Section B with Blue Contracting <br />Company adding $27,529.00 to the contract covering the cost of additional <br />required material and twelve (12) fire hydrants as requested by the City of <br />Sanford and Change Order No. One (1) to Contract No. Two (2) Section C <br />with Blue Contracting Company adding $3,030.00 to the contract covering cost <br />of additional materials and four (4) fire hydrants as requested by the City <br />of Sanford. Commissioner Rhyne moved that the chairman be authorized and <br />directed to execute both change orders for and on behalf of the County. <br />Commissioner Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Buchanan then presented Change Order No. 3 to the contract <br />with Chicago Bridge & Iron Company to add $950.00 to the contract to enable <br />them to paint "LEE COUNTY" on two sides fo the elevated tank. Commissioner <br />Wicker moved that the Chairman be authorized and directed to execute said <br />Change Order No. 3 for and on behalf of theCounty. Commissioner Rhyne <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Reverend Richard Woodward, Coordinator, Lee County Youth Services, <br />appeared before the Board and presented the budget for the Youth Services as <br />follows: <br />