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<br />wherein Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon, all. voted
<br />for it and no one voted against it, the motion was duly adopted. Mr. Atkinson pre-
<br />sented amendment no. 13 in the school budget appropriation wherein they requested
<br />that $48, 000. 00 be appropriated from the unencumbered fund in the current expense
<br />and appropriate $30, 000. 00 for improvements to sites at the high school building and
<br />$18, 000. 00 for the purchase of vehicles for the driver training program. After dis-
<br />cussion, Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the amendment be approved.
<br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion which motion was unanimously
<br />adopted upon a roll call vote in which Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne,
<br />Wicker and Harmon all voted for it and no one voted against it.
<br />Mr. James Holt, Chief Deputy, appeared before the Board and
<br />reported that the radio communications system operated by the Sheriff's Department
<br />had been injured in a recent electrical storm and it was severely hampering the oper-
<br />ation of the department. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Sheriff's
<br />Department be authorized to utilize the emergency bid procedure to have their radio
<br />equipment repaired and authorize transfer of the antenna to the Colon Road tower.
<br />Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously
<br />adopted.
<br />The Board approved an amendment to the Department of Social
<br />Services budget to reflect receipt of a grant in the amount of $13, 202. 00, from the
<br />State of North Carolina, for Day Care, being Line Item No. 19-G, in the Department's
<br />budget, upon motion of Commissioner Rhyne, seconded by Commissioner Funderburke,
<br />which motion was approved upon a roll call vote in which Commissioners Funderburke,
<br />Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it and no one voted against it.
<br />The Board next discussed the proposed Ordinance establishing
<br />Library Board Trustees and they directed that the proposed Ordinance be amended
<br />to require submission of minutes of the Trustees meetings to the Board and to increase
<br />the membership of the Board to nine members. After such amendments were made,
<br />it was directed that a draft be submitted to the Library Board for their comments.
<br />The landscaping around the Senior Citizens Center was discussed,
<br />following which the Board took a short recess. Following the recess, the Board,
<br />upon motion of Commissioner Lila P. Neilsen, seconded by Commissioner Clyde J.
<br />Rhyne, voted to go into Executive Session, to discuss personnel matters. Following
<br />the discussion of personnel matters, the Executive Session was closed, upon motion of
<br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, seconded by Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen,
<br />which motion was unanimously adopted upon a vote.
<br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that Mr. S. F. Westbrook
<br />be appointed as the Tax Supervisor for Lee County to fill out the unexpired term of
<br />Mr. James L. Clark, which unexpired term ends on June 30, 1981, that Mr. Westbrook
<br />be placed in Grade 70 under the personnel plan and after certification he be transferred
<br />to Grade 71. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and the motion was
<br />unanimously adopted upon a roll call vote in which Commissioners Funderburke,
<br />Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it and no one voted against it.
<br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the Board request the De-
<br />partment of Transportation to improve U. S. Highway #421 and make it a four-lane road
<br />from Sanford to the Harnett County line. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the
<br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />There being no further business to c
<br />adjourned, sine die.
<br />re the session, it was
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