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aoo{ 9 6a~ <br />D <br />Changes were requested and approved in the Title VI budget of the <br />CETA office as set out below, upon motion of Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, seconded <br />by Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen, which motion was adopted, upon a roll call vote, in <br />which Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it <br />and no one voted against it. The changes were as follows: , <br />Line Item No. <br />Salaries (73-720-02) <br />FICA (73-720-05) <br />Hospitalization (73-720-06) <br />Workmens Compensation <br />(73-720-54) <br />Training (73-720-53A) <br />Total <br />Current Budget <br />Action <br />New Budget <br />88,406. 00 <br />+ 2,426.00 <br />90,832. 00 <br />5,419. 00 <br />+ 149. 00 <br />5, 568. 00 <br />5, 132. 00 <br />- 366. 00 <br />4, 766. 00 <br />778.00 <br />+ 21.00 <br />799.00 <br />13,456. 00 <br />- 2, 230. 00 <br />11, 226. 00 <br />113, 191. 00 -0- 113, 191. 00 <br />It was noted that Ms. Patricia Blakey, Secretary to the Building <br />Inspector, and Ms. Judy S. Buchanan, Administrative Assistant in the Community <br />Development and Grants Department, had both completed their six months probationary <br />period and their respective supervisors had recommended permanent status for them <br />as employees of the County. <br />The Board was reminded of the Planning Seminar that would be held <br />on Thursday, March 20, 1980. <br />It was announced that the Industrial Park Board of Directors would meet. <br />at noon, on Tureday, March 18, 1980. <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that the Board go into Executive <br />Session to discuss a personnel matter. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Following the meeting in Executive Session, the Board resumed its <br />public meeting, and Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that Mr. Jon Moore, the <br />Manpower Co-ordinator, be placed on a permanent status so long as the CETA Program <br />continues. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote, <br />Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen and Harmon voted for it and Commissioners <br />Rhyne and Wicker voted against it. The Chairman declared the motion carried by a <br />majority vote. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned sine die. <br />C HA <br />1 <br />CLERK TO T E OARD <br />