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BOOR 8 cE 656 <br />SR 1183 (Blakeley Road) from SR 1182 to D. E. - 0. 9 miles <br />SR 1159 (Joe Matthews Road) from SR 1144 to SR 1158 - 1. 2 miles <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to construct Bridge Approaches, <br />widen and strenghten existing paved roads to utilize #30, 000. 00 <br />during the 1980-81 Fiscal Year of the above funds. Roads to be <br />considered are as follows: <br />SR 1415 (Colon Road) widen 2' each side existing road from SR 1422 <br />to limits of US 1 project - 0. 6 miles <br />SR 1405 (McNeill Road raise grade, base, pave and erosion control <br />on approaches each side of proposed new bridge over Buffalo Creek <br />WHEREAS, it is proposed to utilize $15, 000. 00 of the above <br />funds to establish a county-wide spot stabilization program. Also <br />school bus safety programs such as improving intersections, spot <br />alignment, erosion control, drainage and other small projects that <br />may come up during the 1980-81 Fiscal Year. <br />BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Division of Highways of the <br />Department of Transportation proceed with these projects as far <br />as the Secondary Road Bond and the Secondary Road Allocation, <br />for the Fiscal Year 1980-81 will allow. <br />Commissioner Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next directed that the bids received for a truck for the <br />Sanitary Landfill be opened. The bids received were as follows: <br />Carolina Waste Equipment Co., Inc. $ 67, 424. 00 <br />Simpson Equipment Corporation 77,457.00 <br />Kabco, Inc. 70, 668.45 <br />Kabco, Inc. 71,986. 20 <br />After discussing the matter with Mr. Johnson, the Supervisor of <br />the Landfill and its operations, the Board RESOLVED to accept the low bid of <br />Carolina Waste Equipment Co. , Inc. , of $67, 424.'00 and such sum was appropriated <br />from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to the Sanitary Landfill Fund <br />for the purpose of making such purchase, upon motion of Commisioner Lila P. Nielsen, <br />which motion was seconded by Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, and which motion <br />was unanimously adopted.upon a roll call vote in which Commissioners Funderburke, <br />Nielsen, Rhyne, Wicker and Harmon voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The Board next considered bids received for the water system improve- <br />ments. The bids were as shown on the bid tabulation sheet attached to these minutes and <br />by this reference made a part hereof. No action was taken on the bids at this time to <br />allow the engineer to inspect and evaluate the bids received. <br />The Chairman was authorized to execute the contract with Williams <br />& Works for the water system improvements, upon motion of Commissioner Clyde J. <br />Rhyne, which motion was seconded byCommissioner Lila P. Nielsen, and which motion <br />was unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />The Chairman was authorized to execute Change Order No. 2, which <br />increased the contract with W. F. W. Contracting Company for additional line and equip- <br />ment on the GKN water line, upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, which <br />motion was seconded by Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, and which motion was <br />unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />