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<br />It was reported to the Board that a firm by the name of Trans-
<br />Matic Company, had taken an option on a 5 acre tract of land in the Industrial
<br />Park.
<br />Commissioner Rhyne reported to the Board the request of Spanco,
<br />for County participation in the extension of a sewer line to its plant.
<br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen brought to the Board's attention the
<br />needs of the Day Care Program in Lee County, as a result of the cuts made in the
<br />Title XX funds. After discussion, Commissioner Rhyne moved that the tentative
<br />budget for the Day Care Program be increased by $3, 714. 00, to enable the program
<br />to be maintained at a level of expenditures of $81, 000. 00. Commissioner Nielsen
<br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />The Board considered the Social Services budget and discussed
<br />and reviewed it at length; however, no formal action was taken.
<br />They next presented to the Board, a Cooperative Agreement between
<br />the Board of Commissioners, Law Enforcement Agencies, and the North Carolina
<br />Department of Human Resources, concerning implementation of the Child Support
<br />Enforcement Provision of the Title IV-Dof the Social Security Act. After discussion,
<br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that the Chairman be authorized to execute the
<br />agreement for and on behalf of the County. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded
<br />the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />The Clerk reported that the property known as Lots 22, 23, 24, and
<br />25, of the Sunset Hills Subdivision, were sold at public auction on March 31, 1980, at
<br />which time,. Mr. Joe Cook was the high bidder at $1, 050. 00. The Clerk also reported
<br />that Lots 235-238, of the Sunset Hills Subdivision, were sold on the same date and that
<br />Mr. Clarence Cook was the high bidder at $1, 050. 00. The Clerk also reported that
<br />Lot 6, Block H, of the Palmer Addition, was sold at the same time and date and Mr.
<br />Joe Cook was the high bidder at $550. 00.
<br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the high bids on all three
<br />parcels be accepted and the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to execute deeds of
<br />conveyance upon receipt of the purchase price. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker
<br />seconded the motion and upon a vote they were unanimously adopted.
<br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke moved that the sum of $2, 500. 00
<br />be appropriated from the Emergency and Contingency Fund to the Landfill budget and
<br />that $1, 000. 00 of said amount be appropriated for Equipment, Line Item 580-74, and
<br />$1, 500. 00 for Supplies, Line Item 580-33. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded
<br />the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the budget for the Library
<br />be amended to reflect revenue from a Federal Grant in the amount of $2, 700. 00, and
<br />that said sum be appropriated to Travel $120. 00, Audio-Visuals $1, 395. 00, and
<br />Equipment $1, 185. 00. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a
<br />vote it was unanimously adopted.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen, duly seconded by
<br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, and which motion was unanimously adopted upon
<br />a vote, it was RESOLVED to designate the month of April as Cancer Control Month in
<br />Lee County.
<br />The Board received two letters concerning the persons of male
<br />strippers int he City of Sanford, and it was directed that the letters be sent to the
<br />authorities of the City of Sanford.
<br />Upon motion of Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, seconded by Comm-
<br />issioner Lila P. Nielsen, it was authorized that the attorneys representing Lee County
<br />in the suit brought by Eileen Polston against Lee County and the members of the
<br />County Board of Social Services and various employees of the department, be
<br />