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2006 - 05-01-06 Regular Meeting
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2006 - 05-01-06 Regular Meeting
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 20 PAGE 9; <br />Lee County Economic Development Director. If approved by all Boards, it must be <br />submitted to the State by May 9ht in order for it to be heard during the upcoming Short <br />Session of the General Assembly. Commissioner Paschal moved to approve the joint <br />resolution to modify the Sanford-Lee County Airport Authority as presented by Mr. <br />Heuts. After further discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to amend the motion to <br />allow the Broadway Town Manager, City Manager and County Manager to be ex-officio <br />non-voting members, with the Director of Economic Development being a voting <br />member. Upon a vote of Commissioner Paschal's original motion, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Paschal <br />Nay: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Reives, and Stevens <br />The Chairman ruled the motion failed with a six to one vote. <br />Upon a vote, of Commissioner Reives amended motion, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: Paschal <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted by a six to one vote. <br />Ms. Terri Morales-Davis, Interim Director of HAVEN completed the required <br />paperwork to appear before the Board to request funding from Lee County for the non- <br />profit organization. Ms. Morales-Davis stated that HAVEN is the only agency in Lee <br />County that addresses domestic violence. She further stated that her agency depends <br />on grants, private donations, and funds from the HAVEN Thrift Store as funding <br />sources. With grants being harder to obtain, she was asking the Board of <br />Commissioners for financial assistance of $15,000 for the upcoming year. Ms. Morales- <br />Davis further stated that surrounding sister agencies receive funding from their counties. <br />Chairman Hincks stated that the Board would take the matter under advisement during <br />the budget process. No action was taken. <br />Commissioner Stevens discussed a road closing. Ms. Stevens stated that she <br />had been working with the railroad in order to obtain access to the Endor Iron Furnace <br />Park. Railroad officials stated their first piece of negotiation was for the County to locate <br />and close three railroad crossings in order to open one to the proposed Park. Through <br />negotiations, the three crossings have been narrowed down to one. Ms. Stevens stated <br />she had worked with the Strategic Services Department to locate the crossing that is <br />used least, which is on Zimmerman Road and close to the Endor Iron Project. Ms. <br />Stevens asked the Board to consider holding a public hearing so the Department of <br />Transportation can proceed with closing the road at the railroad tracks. After some <br />discussion, Commissioner Stevens moved to conduct a public hearing on May 15, <br />2006, to close a portion of Zimmerman Road at the railroad crossing. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />4 <br />
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