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2006 - 04-18-06 Regular Meeting
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2006 - 04-18-06 Regular Meeting
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Board of Commissioners
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BOOK 20 ?1GE 882 <br />Ms. Lesa Price, Strategic Initiatives Director told the Commissioners that Ms. <br />Jean Brown, Library Technician with the Lee County Library, had been selected by the <br />Employee Selection Committee as the April 2006 Employee of the Month. Chairman <br />Hincks presented Ms. Brown her awards which included a day off with pay, a star <br />award, a framed certificate, a pizza from Papa Johns' Pizza, Coca Cola products from <br />Sanford Coca Cola, and a movie rental from Movie Gallery. Ms. Brown will be <br />considered for the Employee of the Year Award in December. <br />Mr. Mike Watson, Executive Director from Sandhills Mental Health discussed <br />their FY 2006 budget request from Lee County. Mr. Watson stated that Lee County's <br />budget request would remain the same as last years request, with no increase in <br />funding requested. Mr. Watson was questioned as to why Lee County's per capita cost <br />is so high in comparison to other counties. Commissioner Adams asked for a <br />breakdown of what all counties contribute and a list of in-kind contributions that Lee <br />County makes compared to other counties. Mr. Watson was asked to furnish a <br />resolution for a schedule of need for the Board to consider. It was further stated that an <br />outside vendor, Value Options, will begin handling all utilization reviews, and local <br />Mental Health agencies have lost local control on what Medicaid services are provided. <br />Mr. Watson further stated that it is now a struggle to keep clinics open. The General <br />Assembly will be looking at funding increases this year. No action was taken. <br />Commissioner Lemmond introduced Ms. Lyn Hankins, Director of the Lee County <br />Partnership for Children. Ms. Hankins joined the Partnership as Director on October 1, <br />2005, coming to Lee County from the Cumberland County Partnership for Children. Ms. <br />Hankins shared information concerning the local Smart Start agency and discussed <br />some of the past audit difficulties the organization has faced. Ms. Hankins discussed <br />the More at Four Program which currently serves 130 pre-kindergarten children. She <br />asked that the Board encourage local Legislative delegates to continue funding for the <br />Lee County Partnership for Children. No action was taken. <br />The Board considered a request from American Lifestyle Media to use the Lee <br />County logo. Mr. Norm Allen, President of American Lifestyle Media told the Board that <br />he would like to join with the Centennial Committee to produce a two-hour video on the <br />history of Lee County. In order to pay for the video, license plates will be sold for <br />$20.00 beginning at the end of 2006 and continuing through the end of 2007. The Lee <br />County logo will be placed in the center of the license plate. Mr. Allen stated that all <br />proceeds from the plate sales will go back to the Centennial Committee. County <br />Attorney K. R. Hoyle stated that he wished to get an opinion from the School of <br />Government as to whether the logo could be used for such a purpose. Chairman <br />Hincks moved to approve the use of the Lee County logo, pending a response from the <br />School of Government. After further discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to table <br />the matter until the May 1, 2006 meeting. Upon a vote of the tabled motion, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />3 <br />
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