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R BOOK 20 PAGE 871L <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL WORK SESSION <br />TO <br />DISCUSS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM (CIP) <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />MARCH 29. 2006 <br />A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners, to discuss the Capital <br />Improvements Program for FY 2007-2011, was held in the Gordon Wicker Community <br />Conference Room, Lee County Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North <br />Carolina, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on said date. Commissioners present for the Work <br />Session were W. Chad Adams, Robert H. Brown, Herbert A. Hincks, Jerry M. <br />Lemmond, Nathan E. Paschal, Robert T. Reives, and Amy L. Stevens. <br />Chairman Hincks called the Work Session to order. <br />County Attorney K. R. Hoyle delivered the invocation. <br />The Board considered additions to the agenda. (1) County Manager David <br />Smitherman asked the Board to consider a request from Sheriff Billy Bryant for funding <br />to install sheets of flat expanded metal over the wire mesh in the cellblocks at the Lee <br />County Jail. (2) Commissioner Adams asked that the item pertaining to Central Carolina <br />Community College be pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Commissioner <br />Adams moved to approve the above addition/change to the agenda. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered consent agenda items. Commissioner Adams moved to <br />approve the consent agenda as printed, which consisted of the following item: <br />Resolution from the Lee County Board of Education supporting funding <br />for projects at Floyd Knight School <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />