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0 BOOK 2-0 PAGE 8310 <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered the Performance Appraisal Program. Human Resources <br />Director Patsy Rogers told the Board that a Committee was established in early 2005 to <br />begin work on a Performance Appraisal Program for Lee County employees. The <br />Committee has established a policy where employees can receive an annual salary <br />increase based on performance, in addition to the annual cost of living adjustment. <br />Training will be required before the program can be implemented for FY 2006-07; <br />therefore, the Board is asked to approve the proposed Performance Appraisal Program <br />so development and training can be implemented. Ms. Rogers stated that employees <br />will receive an additional 2% or 5% if they meet the requirements stated in their <br />agreement. Commissioner Reives asked that an Audit Committee be established to <br />address concerns of employees if they feel they haven't been treated fairly. After some <br />discussion, Commissioner Adams moved to approve a resolution adopting the <br />Performance Appraisal Program, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by <br />this reference made a part hereof, and begin development and training to implement the <br />program effective July 1, 2006. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a Landfill Franchise Ordinance as prepared by County <br />Attorney K. R. Hoyle. A resident of Lee County has expressed an interest and intention <br />to make an application for a franchise to operate a Land Clearing and Inert Debris <br />(LCID) Landfill in Lee County. Mr. Hoyle told the Board that per North Carolina General <br />Statute 130A-294(bl)(3) a county must adopt a franchise ordinance under North <br />Carolina General Statute 153A-136 before the application is submitted. Mr. Hoyle <br />further stated that future steps would include the negotiation of a Franchise Agreement, <br />conduct a public hearing, the presentation of the Franchise Agreement at two regular <br />meetings of the Board, and the application process which will begin after the Franchise <br />Ordinance is adopted. It was further stated that the law prescribes a specific procedure <br />that must be followed in order to adopt a valid ordinance which includes the following: <br />• The ordinance may be adopted when it is introduced by a unanimous vote <br />of all of the Commissioners. <br />• If the ordinance is voted on when introduced and receives a majority of the <br />votes cast but not all of them, then it must be considered at the next regular <br />meeting of the board. It may be adopted at that meeting or at any meeting <br />within 100 days of introduction by a majority of the votes cast. If the <br />proposal fails at that meeting, it must be reintroduced. <br />• If the ordinance is voted on when introduced and does not receive majority <br />of the votes cast, it fails. It must be formally introduced again before the <br />board can once again consider it. <br />5 <br />