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BOOK 20 PIGE $29 <br />• Mr. Bob Lemmond, 2100 Hawkins Avenue - spoke in reference to the <br />proposed move to the Buggy Building on Chatham Street. Stated that the <br />building was in a flood plain and he felt it would be best for the County to <br />purchase land and build a new building <br />• Ms. Teresa Dew, 317 Queens Road - extended a thank-you to the <br />Commissioners for approving the proclamation for The Brick City Family Fun <br />Festival <br />No action or discussion took place on the above matters. <br />Tax Administrator Kep Kepley gave the Board an update on the 2007 <br />Revaluation project. Mr. Kepley stated that February was a very good month and that <br />as of March 16, 2006, the project was 79.7% complete. He also stated that all <br />"discoveries" will be heard by the Board of Equalization and Review. <br />Mr. Tom McSwain from Pinnacle Benefit Resources, Inc., Sanford completed the <br />required document to appear before the Board and discuss concerns he has with Lee <br />County contracting with a brokerage agency from Charlotte to advise the County on <br />employee benefits instead of trying to do business with qualified local brokerage <br />agencies. Mr. McSwain read a prepared statement addressing areas of concern as it <br />related to the Request for Proposal (RFP) submitted by Mark III Brokerage. No action <br />was taken on the matter. <br />Mr. David Browder from Mark III Brokerage completed the required document to <br />appear before the Board to discuss his company's RFP to furnish health <br />benefits/serv ices for Lee County employees. Mr. Browder stated that his company did <br />not offer Lee County any additional services that other towns and counties have been <br />offered. Mr. David Smith, Attorney at Law from Durham, North Carolina, representing <br />Mark III Brokerage, was also present and addressed some of the concerns presented <br />by Mr. McSwain. No action was taken on the matter. <br />Chairman Hincks stated that both of the above matters would be taken under <br />advisement. <br />Mrs. Linda Garner 243 Hollywood Road, Cameron, completed the required <br />document to appear before the Board to discuss the addition of Hollywood Road to the <br />North Carolina Secondary Road System. Mrs. Garner told the Board that in December <br />2005 residents of Hollywood Road received notification from the US Postal Service that <br />rural delivery would be withdrawn on December 27, 2005, if the road was not properly <br />maintained. An extension to this notification has been received but it is unclear how <br />long the extension will be granted. Mrs. Garner also stated that school buses are <br />unable to travel the road and children must walk approximately one mile to the bus stop. <br />A petition signed by property owners was submitted. After some discussion, <br />Commissioner Reives moved that a letter be sent to the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation asking that a study of Hollywood Road be completed and <br />recommendations presented on ways to bring the road up to DOT specifications, along <br />with a letter to the US Postal Service notifying them of the request to DOT. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />4 <br />